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"Meet the services" Days

Meet the Services
Students in front of the "Meet the Services" banner (credits: Marta Nascimento / Sciences Po)

Student life goes hand in hand with independence. But being independent doesn’t mean being left to your own devices.

Sciences Po offers personalised services to help students joining us in the fall semester with any issue they may encounter.

Next "Meet the Services" days

Come and meet representatives from our different services and find out how they can provide solutions to help make your everyday life run more smoothly.

Location: Cloître du 1, Place Saint Thomas 75007 Paris.

Opening hours: Tuesday August 27th, Wednesday August 28th and Thursday August 29th 2024: 10am to 4pm


  • Tuesday August 27th: Meet Sciences Po Services (see list below)
  • Wednesday August 28th: Forum des associations 
  • Thursday August 29th: Meet Sciences Po services and our partners at the Partner Day (Social Security, CROUS, housing partners, etc.) 
Section #partner-day

Partner Day

Come and meet Sciences Po’s external partners : CROUS de Paris, Préfecture de Police de Paris, Social Security (CPAM), the Student Health Service and many more on Thursday August 29th. 

For any questions relating to your scholarship, your residence permit or your medical coverage, our partners are here to help. 

Section #in-house-services

"Bienvenue en France" Label

Label Bienvenue en France

Created in 2019 by Campus France, this label is awarded to higher education institutions for their ability to accommodate new international students. Sciences Po was awarded 3 stars, the highest standard. 

Find out more about the "Bienvenue en France" label (PDF,  226 Ko)

Find out more