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Welcome programme for exchange students on the Paris campus
Our Welcome Programme is an introductory week aimed to exchange students coming to study on our Paris-based campus.
This introduction week is organized at the start of each semester in order to give students all the key information and tools that will contribute to make their stay at Sciences Po a success. This paid programme is optional. Enrolled students will receive, if they wish, 2 credits ECTS.
- Next session: from January 20 to 25, 2025
- Price: 270 euros
The Welcome programme starts with an opening ceremony and a convivial lunch.
The programme consists in:
- Workshops on the Sciences Po working methodology, delivered by Sciences Po faculty. Both experienced faculty and PhD students who recently started to teach are chosen to animate these workshops. The workshops are proposed in French and in English and last 6 hours (1.30 hour/day) including 1.30 hour outdoors.
- A conference on the political life in France (1.30 hour), in amphitheatre, available in French and in English. The talk is extremely interesting and allows an introduction to the French political life, its stakes and specificities, in comparison to other countries, through the study of newspapers headlines.
- Information sessions: “Meet the Services” (accommodation, administrative registration, visa, student life..) and the “Forum for the associations”.
- Campus and library visits.
- Cultural activities: a guided visit (in group of 25) of the art masterpieces at the Musée d’Orsay, a half day in the “Secret Paris” taking you around the hidden spots unknown to the Parisians themselves, boat tours on La Seine, Wine and Cheese cocktail, “Paris & its mysteries” and “Paris by night”.
- Recreational activities and team building: “ice breakers” group games, “French speaking time” game, everyday life workshops, convivial lunches.
Download the Welcome Programme Planning for January 2025 (PDF, 353 ko).
The Welcome Programme meet three objectives:
- Academic objective: teach the Sciences Po methodology and the political life in France,
- Integration objective: discover Sciences Po and learn its functioning,
- Social and cultural objective: meet other students and discover Paris in the ideal conditions
How to register for the Welcome Programme
There are two steps to follow.
You must register online through your Student account with your username and password. The registrations are opened from November 7 to 27, 2024.
- Click on "Academic services"
- Click on "Online course registration"
- Choose the semester "inscriptions spécifiques"
- Submit
- Click on the link for the Welcome programme
- Click on "I wish to register for the welcome programme"
- Tick the box "welcome programme" and register
Return to the main menu page in your Student account by clicking on "Home" click on "Student services" and select "Welcome Programme Online payment." You will automatically see the amount you are required to pay and you should select "pay here" to proceed with your online payment. Your registration will be confirmed immediately after the online payment.
As the number of places is limited, please note that if you do not pay within 48 hours of registering, your registration will be automatically cancelled.
If you have registered and decide to no longer take part in the Welcome programme, you must inform us by email.
Refund conditions
If you have to cancel your participation, please note that the refund will only be possible if the cancellation has been requested before Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 10:00 am by email to welcomeprogramme.paris@sciencespo.fr.
Newcomer exchange students not taking part in the Welcome Programme
A welcome meeting address by the representative of Sciences Po directors and student associations.
Next session: Friday January 24, 2025, from 8.45 to 10.00 am, Lecture Hall Emile Boutmy 27 rue Saint Guillaume 75007 Paris
"Bienvenue en France" Label

Created in 2019 by Campus France, this label is awarded to higher education institutions for their ability to accommodate new international students. Sciences Po was awarded 3 stars, the highest standard.
Find out more about the "Bienvenue en France" label (PDF, 226 Ko)