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Student welfare and support
Sciences Po's Student Services Center
Sciences Po's Student Services Center offers information in relation to everyday administrative formalities, for example opening a bank account, accessing public transport, information on the social coverage system and the healthcare system, help with applying for housing benefit with the French governmental agency CAF or information and help for finding a student job.
The team at Sciences Po will also work with you to consider your specific circumstances, discuss appropriate solutions, inform you and guide you towards the available sources of support. It works in close collaboration with other Sciences Po offices and departments, in particular its Health Centre and can refer you to specialised services (medical, legal and academic) that can provide complementary support.
Types of aid and support
At Sciences Po, the Student Services Center grants need-based emergency financial aid delivered under certain conditions. For further assistance please feel free to contact us.
If you are in a difficult financial situation, the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and the National Center for University and School Work (CNOUS) can be contacted by phone: 0 806 000 278, Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. at 5 p.m., price of a local call, no surcharge, in order to better inform you about specific aid and the steps to take (Crous grant application, access to other financial aid).
The Crous can grant specific financial aids intended for scholarship and non-scholarship students facing financial difficulties.
You may be able to benefit from a one-off financial aid during the academic year and in some cases, several one-off financial aids may be exceptionally granted during the same academic year.
To meet the Paris Crous social workers, you will have to make an appointment online. The new procedure is available on the Crous website (in French only). Appointment slots by phone and in-person are available.
Find out more about the specific financial aid provided by the Crous (fr.).
A financial aid of 500 euros, which can be combined with other financial aids, can be awarded to secondary school scholarship students who have accepted an offer through Parcoursup located outside of their home area.
Eligible secondary school students can still apply for this financial aid: https://amp.etudiant.gouv.fr.
Files are examined by the Crous once the student’s administrative registration has been confirmed by the higher education establishment.
The Crous offers a social meal at 3.30 euros in its restaurants and cafeterias, thanks to the significant contribution of the state. The price of 1€ per meal may be granted to students with low-income after a social evaluation by the CROUS. The request of 1€ meals should be made directly to the CROUS (Fr only).
If the request is granted, bursary and non bursary holder students as well as international students will be able to benefit from two meals per day at 1 euro in university restaurants.
Students must have created and activated their Izly account to benefit from this offer. A valid student card or enrolment certificate is compulsory for the creation of an Izly account. To create an Izly account, students can go to the Crous Mabillon university restaurant in person (3, rue Mabillon, 75006) or contact assistance-izly@crous-paris.fr. An automatic email will be sent to activate the Izly account once it has been created.
Find out more:
Linkee organizes free food distributions throughout the country enabling students to obtain solidarity parcels (vegetables, fruits, dry products and sanitary products).
For more information, please view the calendar of distributions and sign up directly through the Linkee website.
Remember to bring a bag to avoid plastic waste !
La Grenade is a participative and solidarity-based grocery store located on the Sciences Po Paris Campus open from 5 to 7 p.m. Monday to Friday. La Grenade is located in the courtyard of 56 rue des Saints-Pères.
The La Grenade grocery store is managed via two mechanisms:
- A participatory model: self-managed by members of La Grenade, who work at the grocery store 2 hours per month.
- A solidarity model: managed by members of the participatory model. Students supported by the Sciences Po Student Services Center can benefit from quality products at a lower cost (20% of market price ) sold at the grocery store as well as from a basket of fresh fruits and vegetables* at a reduced price. (3€)
*Distribution organized by Sciences Potirons.
The products come from two distribution channels:
- Collections and donations: a collection is carried out every 1-2 months at a Biocoop for all dry products
- Purchases on La Fourche (online organic wholesale store, same producer as for the participatory grocery store)
The objective is to target as many organic or local food networks as possible.
La Grenade is a member of the national network of solidarity grocery stores, ANDES (FR).
To request access: Contact the student services center by filling in the contact form (select “student welfare and support” as the subject for your request).
Book your work space at The Sciences Po Library.
The Sciences Po Student Services Center also has a few individual workplaces, accessible without reservation during our Opening Hours.
Paris City Hall publishes information regarding different student work spaces for studying (FR).
The Student Services Center provides loaner laptops to support students in their education, in the event of temporary and unforeseen circumstances. The computer loan service is free and is reserved for students duly registered at Sciences Po at the date of the request. Note that the loan is for a period of 1 month maximum.
To inquire and possibly borrow a computer, please come to the Student Services Center during the opening hours (Paris Campus) or contact us via the contact form.
External financial aid schemes
Several schemes are available for students encountering social and financial difficulties. All of these measures aim to improve the living and studying conditions of Sciences Po students.
Paris City Hall is making access to food distributions easier. By signing up, students can benefit from a weekly food parcel or access solidarity grocery stores:
- L’épicerie sociale étudiante du Secours Populaire opened in partnership with the Paris Crous and the support of Paris City Hall. To benefit, students must first be registered with the Secours populaire de Paris, having carried out an initial interview in one of the student branches.
- AGORAé. AGORAé Paris is a social and solidarity grocery store aimed at students. The different schemes in place aim to reduce student precariousness and social isolation by selling food and hygiene products at 90% of the market price. In order to benefit from AGORAé Paris, students must apply by filling out an application form.
- Co’p1 – Solidarités Étudiantes is an association and provides assistance to any student in need. A team of volunteers comes together every week to organise free food distributions.
- Paris Restos du Coeur distribution centre To receive food parcels in the form of a packed lunch, you have to register once a year demonstrating that you have insufficient resources.
You will find a complete list of associations (pdf in French, 750 ko) located in the 5th, 6th, 13th and 14th arrondissements in Paris offering food distributions to students.
The Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris (CIUP) organises food distributions with the Restos du Cœur association and the Relais Social International (RSI). Food distributions take place once a week and are offered free of charge to CIUP residents who meet the eligibility requirements. Students need to sign up with the RSI: relais.social@ciup.fr.
- Reinforced municipal assistance for Crous scholarship students moving into private accommodation (known as AILE). This financial aid ranging from 500 to 1000 € is aimed to help students with the purchase of material, furniture or equipment (including computers, telephone, digital).
- Financial aid (FSL Energy Curative Aid) (FR) intended for Parisians with important financial difficulties who have unpaid gas or electricity bills.
- Students living in Paris who are facing temporary and unforeseen financial difficulties can apply for an exceptional financial aid with the Paris City Hall. The amount varies and depends on the student’s situation. For more information Paris City Hall (FR).
- The Student House is the public service provided by the City of Paris to support Parisian students at every stage of their associative, entrepreneurial or professional projects, as well as their student life.
- The Student Guide to Paris provides a wide range of useful resources for everyday student life, including financial aid, housing, administrative procedures and access to healthcare.
One-off solidarity financial aid
A one-off solidarity financial aid of €100 is available for students receiving housing benefits (including persons under the age of 25 years old), Adult Disability Allocation (AAH), as well as all Crous bursary holder students.
Bursary students will receive their financial aid at the beginning of December at the same time as their bursary. Persons under the age of 25 years and receiving housing benefit (Apl) will receive it from the 15th November onwards via the Caf (FR).
Since 1st February 2021, a « cheque-psy » has been available to all students and allows them to consult a health professional (psychologist, psychiatrist) and receive treatment.
To take advantage of this system put in place by the government, you must first consult a doctor. You can choose between:
- A general practitioner present within the university health service
- From an approved doctor of your choice This doctor will give you a prescription and refer you to a psychologist or psychiatrist depending on the type of support you need.
The « cheque-psy » entitles you to three 45-minute sessions with the practitioner free of charge.
Student loan guaranteed by the French State
The student loan guaranteed by the French state is a loan created to help young students finance their studies and allows them to borrow money without having to provide a guarantor or proof of income.
In order to qualify for a student loan guaranteed by the state, you must meet the requirements as listed below :
- Enrolled in a French institution and preparing a higher education qualification
- Over 18 years old and under 28 years old
- Of French nationality or a citizen of a European country and part of the European Economic Area (EEA)
Please note: The state guarantees the loan, within the limit of a special budget voted each year. If the budget is used up before the end of the year, partner banks will stop granting loans or will require guarantees.
More information about student loan guaranteed by the French state (FR)
Financial assistance for jobseekers who were formerly scholarship holders in higher education
From 18th January 2021, a financial aid is awarded to young people seeking employment who have recently completed their higher education in 2020 or 2021.
Students, under the age of 30 years old and registered with the national employment agency, can benefit from this « exceptional aid » must meet the following eligibility criteria :
- obtained a higher education degree in 2020 or 2021;
- received the Crous bursary during the last year of study;
- immediately available for employment;
- did not receive any replacement income or allowance during the month in which the application is submitted (insurance allowance, solidarity allowances etc.).
The request must be made to the national employment agency who will award the financial aid no later than the 30th June 2021 and for a maximum duration of four months.
The amount corresponds to 70% of the monthly bursary amount received during the most recent year of study.
Find out more
More information about financial aid offered by the French state (FR).