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First steps
Your application has been accepted… what next?
Once you've received your letter of admission, here are the initial steps to take before the beginning of the academic year.
Accept the offer of admission
The offer is sent by email to the address you listed on your application. It contains your student ID number and a temporary password which will allow you to connect to your online student account. Once you are connected to your account, you can accept the offer, complete your registration and sign up for courses online.
Access Sciences Po’s online services and resources
Your account to access all Sciences Po IT systems is created automatically the day after you accept our offer of admission. You will receive your login information by email. We recommend you change your password as soon as possible.
For more information, go to Authentication and login ID
Make sure you read the other sections of this online guide to help you prepare for life at Sciences Po.
Steps before the semester starts
Once you have accepted our offer to study at Sciences Po, there are a several things you need to get done before you start your first semester.
You must complete your administrative registration and pay your tuition fees through your online student account by the dates indicated on the registration calendar. Registration is compulsory.
See the video: Why you should not miss your administrative registration.
Once you’re registered you can request your student ID card, which gives you access to all student services and the Sciences Po library.
Make sure you download your certificate of registration so you can complete your visa application. This certificate and the student ID card entitle you to discounts in museums and one of these is needed when applying for the annual travel card ("carte Imagine'R").
Please read these step-by-step instructions on how to register for courses online so that you’re ready on the day. You will be informed by email newsletter as soon as the course registration calendar is online.
Wait for email instructions from the Foreign Language Department in order to establish your level in foreign languages and register for the corresponding course.
The Disability Support Service will help and guide you from your admisison to your graduation. In order to obtain information regarding the possibilities of assistance, and specific arrangements for your courses and exams or to inform us of a specific need regarding accessibility, please contact: handicap@sciencespo.fr.
Find out more on the Disability and accessibility page.
Sciences Po offers different orientation programmes for international, undergraduate and graduate students who are new to the University.
Please note that some orientation programmes are compulsory.
Check that you have all the necessary administrative documents and start your immigration formalities. Download your certificate of registration so that you can begin applying for a visa.
Aim to arrive in France mid-August so you can get settled and take care of administrative procedures before the semester starts. Be aware that the start date varies from one programme to another. Consult the University calendar.
Find out more: guidelines for international students.
"Bienvenue en France" Label

Created in 2019 by Campus France, this label is awarded to higher education institutions for their ability to accommodate new international students. Sciences Po was awarded 3 stars, the highest standard.
Find out more about the "Bienvenue en France" label (PDF, 226 Ko)