The World
in the Face
of COVID-19
in the Face
of COVID-19
The world has been experiencing an extremely serious health crisis for the last six months or so. At some point, half of the world’s population was confined in an attempt to stem the spread of Covid-19, a highly contagious and deadly disease that has so far been fatal to the oldest and most fragile among us. Figures continue to rise globally, even if European countries seem to be doing better at this point (July 2020). Countries have imposed total or partial lockdown policies, but need to reopen their economy in an attempt to stem the global economic crisis that is looming.
The CERI publishes a Dossier on the health crisis and related issues. This includes articles by our researchers on specific countries or regions of the world (China, Italy, Latin America, India, the United States...) but also more cross-cutting texts on the ethical questions or international issues raised by the pandemic.
This Dossier will be updated regularly.


Dr Nazand Begikhani, Vincent Wright Chair & Visiting Professor at CERI &...