Fields of Research

Five major fields of research guide CERI’s scientific development and federate its activities. These broad fields encompass all research currently being conduced by CERI scholars, across their academic disciplines (political science, sociology, anthropology, history, law, geography and economics) and the various approaches to the study of world politics (international/transnational relations, area studies and comparative politics) represented within the center. Every CERI faculty member choses to associate with a field he or she considers the closest to their research interests; some scholars identify with one major and one secondary field of research. A tandem of co-leaders heads each field of research.

Field: 3 - The State and the transformation of the State

Lead by: Elise Massicard and Hélène Thiollet

Primary members: Fariba Adelkhah, François Bafoil, Stéphanie Balme, Romain Bertand, Béatrice Hibou, Christophe Jaffrelot, Eberhard Kienle, Laurence Louër, Roland Marchal, Luis Martinez, Elise Massicard, Marie Mendras, Françoise Mengin, Nadège Ragaru, Jean-Louis Rocca, Jérôme Sgard, Hélène Thiollet, Eric Verdeil, Catherine Wihtol de Wenden

Secondary members: Adam Baczko, Bayram Balci, Antonela Capelle-Pogacean, Guillaume Devin, Gilles Favarel-Garrigues, Laurent Fourchard, Christian Lequesne, Catherine Perron

This research topic focuses on the state, its historicity, its modes of action and its insertion into the global, through projects mixing a historical sociology of the political, the trajectories of capitalism, the formation of the state, public policies and the way public and private actors mingle in the regulations of the social world. This Field is an extension of the historical sociology perspective on the State and public action that has traditionally been developed at CERI. Current research in this Field deals with the recompositions of the state and more generally the forms of political regulation in a globalized world, as well as their circulation. Research who fall under this Field are also interested in the transformation of how public policies are produced and in their actors, in particular in how micro-local and global scales “articulate”, and in the analysis of authoritarian situations. Even if political science, political sociology, comparative politics are the main disciplinary perspectives adopted in this Field, there is an open dialogue with other disciplines of the social sciences, such as history and sociology. The various case studies contribute to a critical, empirically based and historical sociology of the contemporary global governance.

The three main themes of interest in Field 3, The state and the transformation of the state are:

  • Theoretical debates on the state and globalization through so-called peripheral cases
  • Studying global politics: Circulations and levels of regulation
  • Tools and methods: The state and the global top-down and bottom-up. Empirical questions, scales and levels, and historicity
Research projects:

- Electrical hybridations: the emerging forms of the energy transition in the cities of the Global South (ANR "HYBRIDELEC")

- The Earth cycle (a FEDER project)

- Public action "elsewhere"

Understanding the Mediterranean salinity crisis (Marie Curie network "SALTGIANT")

Sociology of national and regional elected representatives, from the Raj to the Indian Union (LIA "SPINPER")

- Migrants in global metropolises

The Martin Domke archives

- The debt crisis of the 1980s. An oral and archival history

Research groups

- Migrations and mobility

- Energy and cohesion: governance, regulation and negociations 


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