Home>Reimagining Energy Systems With CARE Scholar Sharif Fatourehchi


Reimagining Energy Systems With CARE Scholar Sharif Fatourehchi

Every year, the CARE scholarship programme selects Canadian students to fund their studies on environmental and energy topics at Sciences Po Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA). The aim of this programme is developing cross-cultural collaboration between France and Canada and making a positive impact on the world through preparing the next climate-conscious global leaders.

Meet one of our 2024 scholars, Sharif Fatourehchi.

Who are you and why are you interested in environmental sustainability?

I am Sharif Fatourehchi, a Master's student specialising in International Energy Transition at Sciences Po, with a foundation built from my undergraduate studies in Political Science and Economics at the University of Toronto. My interest in environmental sustainability arises from the perfect intersection of these disciplines, where the global political landscape and economic imperatives converge. This unique blend allows me to view sustainability challenges not merely as environmental or technical issues, but as complex, interdisciplinary problems that require a nuanced approach to policy, economic modelling, and strategic investments.

Environmental sustainability is a field where political decision-making meets economic realities, and both are crucial in navigating the urgent global energy transition. Through my studies and initial professional experiences, I have seen first-hand how political frameworks influence energy policies and how economic strategies shape sustainable infrastructure investments. This holistic perspective fuels my passion for driving meaningful change, ensuring that solutions are both financially viable and environmentally sustainable.

Ultimately, my commitment to sustainability stems from the belief that the future of our planet hinges on innovative, interdisciplinary approaches – approaches that are and will be deeply rooted in the core of my academic and professional journey.

What do you reckon are the main climate challenges, and potential solutions, to come?

The primary climate challenge we face today is the urgent need to transition from a carbon-dependent energy system to one that is both sustainable and equitable. As global temperatures rise and extreme weather events intensify, the reliance on fossil fuels continues to exacerbate the crisis. However, the path forward is clear: a rapid shift to renewable and/or clean energy sources, combined with advancements in energy storage and efficiency, can’t only curb emissions but also democratise energy access. Key to this transition is innovation in grid technologies and electrification of industries, along with policies that incentivise green investment. In essence, the future of our climate hinges on how quickly and effectively we can reimagine energy systems for a decarbonised world.

How did you react when you learned you were a laureate of the CARE Scholarship Programme?

When I found out, I was honestly overwhelmed with gratitude. It felt amazing to know that the committee had such faith in my potential and believed I was a good fit for this opportunity. It’s not just an honour but a source of motivation as I continue my journey at Sciences Po. I’m excited to make the most of this opportunity, knowing it will help me grow both academically and personally.

What advice would you give to future students applying to this programme?

My advice would be to highlight what truly drives you, not just in terms of academic achievements, but also your broader aspirations and values. Take the time to reflect on how this scholarship can help you grow. Don’t be afraid to share your unique story – what brought you to this point and where you’re planning on going hereafter.

How has been your experience as a Sciences Po student so far?

My experience has been both intellectually stimulating and deeply enriching. The academic environment here has allowed me to delve into topics I’m passionate about, guided by the expertise of outstanding professionals and academics. What makes it even more special is the student body – being surrounded by such motivated and inspiring peers pushes me to constantly challenge myself. The diversity of perspectives and the depth of discourse have broadened my understanding of complex issues, making every day a learning experience in itself.

Your hope for the future in a word?


Cover image caption: Sharif Fatourehchi, CARE programme scholar. (credits: SF)

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