Accueil>The EU and the new governance of digital markets

The EU and the new governance of digital markets
À propos de cet événement
Le 18 novembre 2020 de 17:30 à 20:15
For the new European Commission, the year 2020 was shaping up to be a decisive one, particularly in terms of its digital strategy. While the health crisis has disrupted the Commission’s plans, several major developments have taken place in recent months.
In June, the European Commission has announced a Digital Services Act (DSA) package to be released in December. In July, the European Court of Justice invalidated the Privacy Shield, thereby undermining the legal basis for data transfers to the United States.
In this context, this year’s edition of the annual conference of the Chair Digital, Governance and Sovereignty (Sciences Po School of Public Affairs) is dedicated to these two important developments, both of which lead to new modes of regulation.
- The first panel on “Towards the Digital Services Act”, will dissect the significance of the new DSA package for the Digital Single Market and how the European view for Big Tech differs from the reforms currently being discussed in the US.
With guest speakers Filippo Lancieri, Ioannis Lianos, Alexandre de Streel and William Kovacic (see full biographies here).
- The second panel on “Data Governance after Schrems II”, will discuss the aftermath of this ruling and envision what the future legal framework governing data exchange across the Atlantic might look like.
With guest speakers Florence G’sell, Bruno Gencarelli, Theodore Christakis and Anupam Changer (see full biographies here).
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