Accueil>Governing City Energy Transitions in Mobility

Governing City Energy Transitions in Mobility
À propos de cet événement
Le 25 mars 2022 de 10:30 à 14:00
This workshop explores the transformations of energy transitions in Western European cities, addressing the formidable challenge of governance of these transitions by city energy uses and the increasing weight of mobility challenges as part of these. In the face of important environmental commitments in the form of decarbonization strategies, road space allocation and reallocation of energy uses for the purposes of enhanced sustainability, how is the choice for electric mobility made in large metropolis?
What are the specific challenges of the rapid expansion of centralized and decentralized services to these environmental goals? How can the governance of mobility services be reconciled with encompassing environmental goals, and how can it potentially redefine mobility plans in cities? The contributions from the participants will investigate these different dimensions from the perspective of researchers and practitioners.
See detailed programme and register
© Picture: Golden Sikorka @_shutterstock