
Kathy Rousselet

Senior Research Fellow, Sciences Po
Phone: +33 (0) 1 58 71 70 50 - kathy.rousselet@sciencespo.fr

Alumnus of the Ecole normale supérieure, Kathy Rousselet holds a Ph.D. in political Science.

She is an associate Fellow at the Centre d’études des monde russe, caucasien et centre-européen (EHESS).

She is a member of the editorial boards of the Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest and of Archives de sciences sociales des religions.

She is a member of the scientific councils of the Observatoire international du religieux and the Chaire d’études sur le fait religieux. She is also a member of the scientific council of the GDRus.

Since January 2024, she has headed the "Russian Empire, USSR and post-Soviet world" research group (CNRS).

Kathy Rousselet’s early work focused on religious dissidence during the Soviet era. She studied the religious transformations at work in Russia from perestroika onward, especially the development of Russian Orthodoxy. She was interested as much in the religious policy of the Russian state and in the political discourse of the hierarchs of the Moscow Patriarchate as in life in the parishes and religious practices. As part of a collective project on patriotism in Russia, she studied patriotic practices within the Russian Orthodox Church. She worked on the veneration of the imperial family, observing, over a period of several years, the religious processions at Ekaterinburg. One part of her research also focused on the religious memorialization of the Great Terror, particularly at Butovo in the suburbs of Moscow.

Kathy Rousselet also worked to a lesser extent on other subjects, notably on the rise of civil society in Russia in the 1990s and 2000s and, as part of a Franco-Russian research programme, on the role of informal relationships in Russian society.

  • Teaching

    Sciences Po (Dijon Campus, School of Research)
    College of Europe, Natolin Campus (Poland)


    Co-organizer of a seminar at CERI on post-Soviet worlds

    Co-organizer of a seminar at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales on Autoritarisme, guerre et mobilisations dans l’espace postsoviétique (CERCEC-EHESS)

    PHD Supervision

    Tatyana Shukan, Contester ou soutenir le pouvoir : action collective et militantisme dans des mouvements de jeunesse en Russie et en Biélorussie (2006-2012) (defended in 2016)

    Guillaume Sauvé, La morale à l’épreuve de la politique : la pensée politique de l’intelligentsia libérale soviétique de l’époque de la perestroïka (defended in 2016)

    Irina Mützelburg, Multi-level transfer of international norms : asylum policies and practices in Ukraine (1993-2015) (co-supervision with Anne de Tinguy ; defended in 2019)

    Lisa Harms, Fragmented universalism : the making of the right to freedom of religion at the European Court of Human Rights (co-supervision with Matthias Koenig ; defended in 2019)

    Gesine Wallem, Doing ‘Russian-Germanness’ : performativity and co-ethnic belongings in the context of post-Soviet migration to Germany (defended in 2020)

    Juliette Faure, Russian Modernist Conservatism (1960–2022). The Intellectual and Social Reconstitution of Russia’s Alternative to Western Liberal Modernity (co-supervision with Philippe Portier – to be defended in November 2022)

    In Progress
    Elisabeth Miljkovic, L’Eglise orthodoxe russe et la question environnementale

    Vera Ageeva, Russian and Chinese grand strategies in Kazakhstan (co-supervision with Thierry Balzacq)

  • Languages

    Russian, English, German.

kathy.rousselet's picture
Main Publications

La Sainte Russie contre l'Occident, Salvator, 2022.

The Russian Orthodox Church and the Russkii Mir, in Thomas Bremer, Alfons Brüning, Nadieszda Kizenko (eds). Orthodoxy in Two Manifestations? The Conflict in Ukraine as Expression of a Fault Line in World Orthodoxy, Peter Lang, 2022, Erfurter Studien zur Kulturgeschichte des orthodoxen Christentums, pp. 121-144.

L’autocéphalie revisitée : les quêtes d’indépendance ecclésiastique dans les espaces soviétique et post-soviétique, in Autocéphalies. L’exercice de l’indépendance dans les Églises slaves orientales (IXe - XXIe  siècle), Rome, Publications de l’École française de Rome, 2021.

Dukhovnost’ in Russia’s politics, Religion, State and Society, Vol. 48, n°1, 2020, pp. 38-55.

The Church in the Service of the Fatherland, Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 67, n°1, 2015, pp. 49-67.

The Russian Orthodox church and reconciliation with the Soviet past, in Georges Mink, Laure Neumayer (eds), History, Memory and Politics in Central and Eastern Europe. Memory Games, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.

L'orthodoxie russe aujourd'huiArchives de sciences sociales des religions, n°162, avril-juin 2013.

Sécularisation et orthodoxie dans la Russie contemporaine : pour une hypothèse continuiste ?, Questions de recherche, n°42, mai 2013.

[avec Alexandre Agadjanian] Individual and Collective Identities in Russian Orthodoxy, in Chris Hann, Hermann Goltz (eds), Eastern Christians in Anthropological Perspective, Berkeley, California University Press, 2010, pp. 311-328.

La Russie contemporaine, avec Favarel-Garrigues, Gilles (dir.), Paris, Fayard, 2010

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