Governance and citizens’ participation in the Andine region

Scientific Coordination

Olivier Dabène and Claire Launay


Based on an approach of study, action, and advocacy, this project is particularly interested in the effects and transformations of social and political participation on public action. It aims to identify, analyse, and accompany innovative forms of interaction between public institutions and non-state actors (civil society, private sector, citizens…) enabling the elaboration of effective and legitimate regulations within the public sphere. The activities take place in both France and Colombia.

First, we have identified and inventoried instances of citizen control on transparency in public affairs in six countries in Latin America. The results of this work will be brought together in a volume on the effects and transformations of the exercise of citizen control on public action. 

In parallel, the project has enabled the creation of a citizen observatory on the fight against corruption: an online platform, Monitor Ciudadano, which can be used by citizens to not only report but also denounce acts of corruption.


Claire Laynay Gama and Olivier Dabène (dir.), Los efectos de los procesos participativos en la accion publica, Teseo, 2019.


Ce projet "recherche-action" a été lancé fin 2015, en collaboration avec

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