Accueil>Women and Jihadi Radicalization

Women and Jihadi Radicalization
À propos de cet événement
Le 16 mars 2017 de 18:00 à 20:00
A conference with guest speakers:
Nelly Lahoud, International Institute for Strategic Studies
“Can Women be Soldiers of the Islamic State?”
Katherine Brown, University of Birmingham
“Paradise and the Apocalypse: Contradictions in Daesh Women’s Radicalisation”
Female radicalization has become a highly topical issue following the unprecedented number of women who have joined the ranks of Daesh in Syria and Iraq over the last five years.
Often riddled with stereotypes, female jihadism necessitates an in-depth academic debate. As a worldwide phenomenon, it raises the issue of the multidimensional and transnational aspects of gender in political violence.
It also highlights the possible connects and disconnects between the individual and the collective; and between women’s aspirations to join jihadi groups and the reality they face once they join. This conference will address these issues, and will shed light on the tensions in Daesh women’s accounts of their radicalization, and on the ongoing debates in the jihadis’ literature and forums on the role of women in combat.