Accueil>Welfare State Policies and Challenges After the Covid Crisis

Welfare State Policies and Challenges After the Covid Crisis
À propos de cet événement
Le 10 novembre 2021 de 18:00 à 20:00
A masterclass with Monika Queisser, Head of the Social Policy Division at OECD and Senior Counsellor to the Director of Employment, Labour and Social Affairs Directorate at OECD.
Discussion with Bruno Palier, CNRS Research Director at Sciences Po, Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics, Scientific advisor of the Social Policy and Social Innovation stream, Sciences Po School of Public Affairs.
Monika Queisser will present insights from studies and actions elaborated at the OECD concerning the welfare states policies and challenges after the Covid crisis. She will present two successive interventions that will each be followed with questions and interactions with students.
- The first short presentation will be on “Reshaping welfare states after the Covid crisis”.
Even before the pandemic, social protection systems in many OECD countries were coming under increasing pressure due to mega-trends, such as population ageing, societal changes, digitalisation and automation and their impacts on the labour markets. The pandemic has shown a spotlight on gaps in social protection systems which governments need to close in order to provide social protection to all workers. The presentation will examine some of these gaps, discuss their origins and propose ways forward to ensure coverage of all people.
- The second short presentation will be on “The fight for equality after Covid-19: addressing disadvantage and discrimination”
The Covid-19 crisis has also exacerbated existing inequalities in our societies, such as socio-economic inequalities, gender and racial/ethnic inequalities. The presentation will discuss some of these inequalities and discuss OECD findings on disadvantage and discrimination of women and other groups, in particular LGBTI+ people. It will also propose some policy avenues to address such discrimination.
This masterclass organised in the framework of the Social Policy and Social Innovation policy stream of the Sciences Po School of Public Affairs.
Read more and register (open to Sciences Po students and teachers only.)
Portrait of Monika Queisser ©OECD