Accueil>The water crisis: challenge of the 21st century in China

The water crisis: challenge of the 21st century in China
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Le 20 septembre 2016 de 10:15 à 12:15
Although China has a fifth of the water resources of the planet, these resources are very unevenly distributed and the average per capita of water availability is only equal to one third of the world average. The result is a significant water deficit which impacts the country’s food security. In addition, 40% of China’s rivers are severely polluted and 800 million Chinese have only water unfit for consumption. Between scarcity and pollution, how can China rise to the challenge of access to water?
Paul Kriss, global coordinator for city infrastructure and services at World Bank and former China and Mongolia sector coordinator for Urban and Water sector at World Bank
Dr Kaijun Wang, professor in the Division of Water Environment, university of Tsinghua (China)
Caroline Jeanmaire, graduate from Sciences Po and Peking University, specialized in sustainable development and international relations
Moderation: Richard Balme, professor at Sciences Po and member of (Re)sources.
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