Accueil>The Politics of Environmental Justice in China and the European Union

The Politics of Environmental Justice in China and the European Union
À propos de cet événement
Le 17 novembre 2011 de 15:45 à 17:45
Guest speakers:
Richard BALME, PSIA-Sciences Po Professor, Director of the Sciences Po Governance and Globalization program in China
Eloi LAURENT, Professor, MPA Sciences Po, Senior Economist and Scientific Advisor at OFCE-Sciences Po
Discussion by Richard BALME on environmental justice in China, joined by Eloi LAURENT (OFCE and MPA), who will discuss environmental justice issues in China from a European Union perspective, thus providing a presentation of the policy debate in both Asia and Europe.
Professor Richard BALME will provide an assessment of the situation of environmental rights in China, to analyse related political interactions, and to discuss their implications for Chinese politics, based on interviews with officials, activists and experts, and on documentation collected in Beijing and in a selection of Chinese provinces.
Professor at PSIA, Richard BALME is also a Fellow at the Centre for European Studies in Sciences Po, Visiting Professor at the School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University in Beijing, and director of the Sciences Po Governance and Globalization program in China. His current research interests cover EU-China relations, comparative environmental governance, and climate change policy and diplomacy.
Éloi LAURENT is a senior economist and scientific advisor at OFCE (Sciences Po Center for economic research, Paris). He has a background in policy-making, as a former aide in the French Parliament (1999-2000) and for the French prime minister (2000-2002). He presently teaches at Sciences Po, where he directs the Multi-level Economic Governance concentration in the Master of Public affairs), in the Bing Overseas Program at Stanford University in Paris and in La Sorbonne (College des hautes études européennes). His current research agenda focuses on climate change mitigation policies (especially in the European Union), the green economy, environmental justice and environmental inequalities and new welfare and sustainability indicators (the Stiglitz-Sen-Fitoussi Report).