Accueil>The Gendered Politics of Immigrant Integration Policy in Western Europe
The Gendered Politics of Immigrant Integration Policy in Western Europe
À propos de cet événement
Le 20 juin 2013 de 14:30 à 16:30
Guest speaker: Kimberly MORGAN, George Washington University
Discussant: Bruno PALIER, CEE-Sciences Po
Kimberly J. Morgan is an Associate Professor of Political Science and International Affairs at the George Washington University. Her research focuses on comparative public policy in advanced industrialized countries, with particular interests in family policies, immigration, health care, and taxation. She teaches undergraduate classes on European politics, comparative politics, and immigration and identity, and graduate courses on comparative politics and comparative social policy. Her most recent book The Delegated Welfare State: Medicare, Markets, and the Governance of American Social Policy has been published by Oxford University Press.
Read Kimberly J.Morgan’s full CV:
Bruno Palier is CNRS Researcher at Sciences Po. His research focuses on welfare reforms in Europe, a subject he investigates through various comparative projects: on social investment policies, on social dualisations, and on the politics of welfare reforms – both national and European. He was a visiting scholar at Stockholm University, Northwestern University, Harvard University and the European University Institute in Florence and is Honorary Professor of Welfare State Research at Odense University, South Denmark. He currently serves as scientific coordinator of the European Network of Excellence RECWOWE (Reconciling Work and Welfare).
Read Bruno Palier’s full CV: