Accueil>The Blockchain Ideology after the crypto boom: is the cypherpunk movement still alive?

The Blockchain Ideology after the crypto boom: is the cypherpunk movement still alive?
À propos de cet événement
Le 12 février 2020 de 20:15 à 22:00
A discussion on the political and ideological legacy underlining blockchain and its relevance today, after the burst of the crypto bubble and as applications struggle to reach mass adoption, with:
- Primavera De Filippi, CNRS, Berkman Center, Harvard University, author of Blockchain and the Law
- Amir Taaki, Bitcoin developer, activist, creator of the Dark Wallet, former member of the Kurdish YPG militia,
- Yorick de Mombynes, Cour des Comptes, Sapiens Institute’s “Bitcoin, Totem and Taboo” report co-author.
Moderated by Florence G’Sell (Université de Lorraine, Sciences Po Digital, Governance and Sovereignty Chairholder) and Pierre Noro (Sciences Po School of Public Affairs, Chair Digital, Governance and Sovereignty coordinator).
Since their inception, even before Satoshi Nakamoto’s infamous whitepaper and the birth of Bitcoin, the cypherpunk community and its ideals of decentralization, censorship-resistance, and anonymity have deeply influenced blockchain technologies.
After a decade of existence, cryptoassets’ value has exploded, massive financial institutions jumped on the blockchain train and exchanges as well as individual cryptoasset holders must now comply with a growing number of State-regulations.
What is left of the radical social and political ideology blockchain technologies inherited from libertarianism, anarchism and the hacker culture?
Is the cypherpunk movement still alive?
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