Accueil>Telemedicine in Abortion Care

Telemedicine in Abortion Care
À propos de cet événement
Le 27 janvier 2022 de 19:00 à 21:00
In March 2020, right during the Coronavirus pandemic, both France and the United Kingdom liberalised abortion regulations: women were allowed to be consulted about abortion care remotely through telemedicine and to take abortion medications at home.
Medication abortions conducted by telemedicine increase access to safe abortion and recent research conducted on this topic shows that it gives people a strong sense of privacy, confidentiality, convenience and autonomy.
Introduction by Hélène Périvier, Sciences Po’s Gender Studies Programme (PRESAGE) Director and Anne Revillard, Head of Sciences Po’s Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Public Policies (LIEPP).
A discussion with researchers who conducted pioneering research:
- Hazal Atay, doctoral student at Sciences Po’s Center for Political Science, France
- E. Chloe Romanis, Assistant Professor in Biolaw at Durham University, United Kingdom
- Jordan A. Parsons, Research Associate and PhD Candidate in Medical Ethics and Law at the University of Bristol, United Kingdom
Moderation by Emmanuelle Levrier, Research Assistant at Sciences Po.
© Anna Shvets / Pexels