Accueil>Sexuality and Violence in Historical Perspective

Sexuality and Violence in Historical Perspective
À propos de cet événement
Le 01 avril 2019 de 19:00 à 21:00
A roundtable with:
- Ulrike Lindner (University of Cologne) Race and Sexuality in Colonial Societies around 1900: “Miscegeneation”, “Going Native” and Forced Sexual Relations”
- Patrick Farges (Université Paris Diderot) Imitating and Transgressing Sexual Gender Codes: The Making of German-Jewish Masculinities (1910s-1930s)
- Anna Hájková (Warwick University) Sexuality in the Concentration Camps: Negotiating Sexual Barter and Sexual Violence (1933-1945)
Chair: Elissa Mailänder, Center for History at Sciences Po.
Public awareness and debates surrounding sexual abuse in everyday professional and personal lives have increased exponentially since the sexual harassment scandals of October 2017 and the galvanization of the #MeToo movement.
Yet, what is now commonly referred to as the “Weinstein effect” has a longer pre-history. Beginning in the 1970s, when feminist theory and gay liberation introduced theories and methods to conceptualize and analyze sexuality within of complex power asymmetries, historians have paid particular attention to sexual and gender-based violence.
This roundtable, organized by PRESAGE (Sciences Po) in collaboration with the Center for History at Sciences Po, brings together three distinguished historians of sexuality and gender to discuss their current research. How, precisely, can history contribute to understanding and framing sexual violence from a longue-durée perspective? What theories and methods do historians use to interrogate their sources?
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