Accueil>Political Humanities through the Looking Glass


Political Humanities through the Looking Glass

À propos de cet événement

Le 22 septembre 2022 de 17:00 à 19:00

En ligne

Organisé par

Sciences Po Law School
Antonio Bandeira, Óleo sobre tela (Árvores, 1953)
Antonio Bandeira, Óleo sobre tela (Árvores, 1953) (crédits : Antonio Bandeira)

The ever-evolving Globinar (Sciences Po Law School) is back in the form of Political Humanities Recitals. Its first session will feature an interdisciplinary debate concerning the renewed importance of a Political Humanities approach to both social sciences and contemporary global challenges.

By Horatia Muir WattHelena Alviar GarcíaAstrid von BusekistAriel ColonomosVincent ForrayFrédérique Leichter-Flack, and Frédéric Gros.

Read more and register

For further details, please visit the RECITALS website

Registration is required, as access to the seminar material is restricted to registered participants only.

Venues: online and in-person

À propos de cet événement

Le 22 septembre 2022 de 17:00 à 19:00

En ligne

Organisé par

Sciences Po Law School