Accueil>Ongoing Lessons from the Greek Crisis for Europe

Ongoing Lessons from the Greek Crisis for Europe
À propos de cet événement
Le 13 mars 2019 de 18:30 à 20:00
An exceptional lecture by the Minister of Finance of Greece, Mr Euclid Tsakalotos.
Chaired by Enrico Letta, Dean of the Paris School of International Affairs at Sciences Po.
Euclid Tsakalotos was born in 1960. He studied Economics, Politics and Philosophy at the Universities of Oxford and Sussex and completed his PhD in 1989 at the University of Oxford. He taught at the University of Kent (1990-1993) and then at Athens University of Economics and Business (1994-2010). Since 2010, he is Professor of Economics at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He is the author of six books and editor of three edited volumes.
On May 2012, he was elected MP of SYRIZA in Athens and got re-elected in January 2015.
On 27 January 2015, he was appointed Alternate Foreign Minister for International Economic Relations, in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
On 6 July 2015, he was appointed Minister of Finance. On 20 September 2015, he was re-elected MP of SYRIZA in Athens and re-appointed Minister of Finance on 23 September 2015.