Accueil>Migration Governance and Asylum Crises Concluding Conference

Migration Governance and Asylum Crises Concluding Conference
À propos de cet événement
Le 20 avril 2023 de 15:30 à 17:30
Please note: Hybrid format event (in person and online webinar)
“What is Home? Syrian Refugees and Narratives of Belonging”
While of universal importance, the question of home gains special significance in contexts of forced migration. Examining the Syrian case for larger insights, Wendy Pearlman shares interviews that she has conducted over the past decade with 500 displaced Syrians around the world. She explores their stories of losing, seeking, finding, or not finding home, and what they teach us about the meaning of belonging. These perspectives interrogate common narratives of refugee and migrant “crisis” and offer a new lens on concepts such as exile and integration.