Accueil>Explaining and Quantifying the Extractive Success of Financial Systems: Microfinance and the financialisation of poverty
Explaining and Quantifying the Extractive Success of Financial Systems: Microfinance and the financialisation of poverty
À propos de cet événement
Le 25 avril 2013 de 14:30 à 16:00
Guest speaker:
Philip MADER, postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne. His work studies the political economy of finance, focusing on the causes and effects of the global expansion of microfinance. For his doctorate, which is being published as a book with Palgrave, he performed fieldwork in Andhra Pradesh, India, on the impacts of microfinance projects for water and sanitation. He has written extensively on the Indian microfinance crisis in blogs and newspapers. He previously studied economics and development studies in Sussex, Cambridge and Harvard.
Discussant :
Marion FOURCADE, director at the Maxpo and Associate Professor of Sociology at UC Berkeley. She is the author of Economists and Societies (Princeton University Press 2009). Her current work is examining the cultural and institutional logic of what we may call “national classificatory styles” across a wide range of empirical domains, including environmental valuation, the digitization of books and the classification of wines. Other ongoing research focuses on the role of the credit market in social stratification (with Kieran Healy); the comparative study of political organization (with Evan Schofer and Brian Lande); the microsociology of courtroom exchanges (with Roi Livne); and the role of business schools in the neoliberal turn (with Rakesh Khurana).
Please make sure to register before April 24th with Marina Abelskaïa-Graziani at