Accueil>Euroscepticism and the Future of European Integration


Euroscepticism and the Future of European Integration

À propos de cet événement

Le 14 juin 2018 de 20:15 à 22:00

As part of the joint conference Sciences Po / European Consortium for Political Research Standing Group on the European Union. This year’s conference theme is “Contradictions – Whither the Political, Economic and Social Integration of Europe?”
A JEPP (Journal of European Public Policy) Keynote Lecture by Catherine de Vries, Professor of Politics in the Department of Government at the University of Essex where she also serves as the Director of the Essex Centre for Experimental Social Sciences, and a Professor and Chair of Political Behaviour at the Free University Amsterdam. She is also an associate member of Nuffield College at the University of Oxford.
The European Union is facing turbulent times. It is plagued by deep divisions over how to shape its future. Over half a century of integration has created a profound interconnectedness between the political, economic, and social fates of member states. At the same time, however, the fortunes of member states have started to diverge dramatically.
As a result, the political fault lines are widening. Today, they crosscut the continent from North to South on the economy and austerity, and from East to West on migration and human rights. What are the effects of these development on public opinion? By presenting a wealth of empirical evidence, this lecture provides an overview of the contours of public opinion. Moreover, it discusses how it matters for behaviour in elections and how it shapes possible reform of the European Union in the future.
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À propos de cet événement

Le 14 juin 2018 de 20:15 à 22:00