Accueil>“Cre-action”: A Masterclass by Constance Guisset

“Cre-action”: A Masterclass by Constance Guisset
À propos de cet événement
Le 04 novembre 2020 de 20:30 à 21:30
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Objects are an everyday poetry. They were not just fabricated, they were conceived and crafted. Their shape is the encounter of materials and imagination.
What emotion is your light ? What story does your chair tell ? How do you go from Sciences Po graduate and intern at the Japanese parliament to award winning designer, stage designer and children’s book writer?
For the second 2020 Masterclass of the “Rendez-vous de la Création”, you are invited to discover the works and creation process of Constance Guisset. From founding and running a design studio to working with major companies, each with their different requirements, while maintaining an ability to express a specific vision and crafting poetry, the journey of a designer can be very insightful for all those who wish to work in the field of creativity.
Animation by Alexandre Kouchner, journalist.
Read more and register to the event
Le cycle de conférences « Les RV de la Création » a été créé en 2016 par le master Communication, Medias et Industries créatives, au sein de l’École du management et de l’innovation de Sciences Po. Il est l’occasion, pour de grands noms de l’univers de la Création (photographes, réalisateurs, chefs, architectes, musiciens, designers, …) de venir témoigner de leur parcours auprès des étudiants, mais aussi de partager avec eux leur vision de la création et de l’innovation.
@Studio Constance Guisset