Accueil>Norms for a New World Order

Norms for a New World Order
À propos de cet événement
Du 25 janvier 2023 à 17:00 au 26 janvier 2023 à 18:00
Amphithéâtre Jacques Chapsal
27 rue Saint-Guillaume, 75007, ParisIn many countries, voters clearly demonstrated their opposition to large waves of immigration. This situation leads to illegal immigration with its share of tragic situations.
On the other hand, it is essential to guarantee the borders of nation-states. Current events show us how violating borders is a major threat to peace.
What is the response to these two imperatives considered today as irreconcilable?
In this lecture, Paul Romer, Nobel Laureate 2018, will present the idea of establishing new long-lived but temporary jurisdictions that could meet the need to reconcile sovereignty with a humane sense of a responsibility to protect people who are in desperate need.
Prof. Paul Romer, a former Chief Economist of the World Bank (2016-2018), received the 2018 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences (shared with William Nordhaus) for his work in growth theory.
On Thursday, Jan 26th we propose 5 additional round tables with outstanding researchers and policy makers. They will discuss major challenges and solutions in the Middle East, Ukraine, the new institutional order, and the new digital governance.
Registration to attend these round tables in person is closed. It will be possible to attend online, see in the programme.