Home>Summer School 2024: Join Sciences Po’s International Community!


Summer School 2024: Join Sciences Po’s International Community!

The Summer School offers two programmes:

Summer School courses are organised in small-group, interactive seminars that allow students to engage closely with renowned professors and other international students. These specially designed courses allow for maximum interaction through debates and discussions. 

University programme for students, graduates and professionals

Programme Dates

  • June session: 3 June-27 June, 2024
  • July session: 1 July-23 July, 2024

Students may participate in one or both sessions.

The University Programme is a unique opportunity for university students, graduates, and professionals from all over the world to discover Sciences Po, France's leading university in the social sciences. Participants in the Summer School’s University Programme can:

  • Study Sciences Po’s key disciplines, such as international relations, political science, or economics, in the social sciences track (classes taught in English by Sciences Po professors and researchers).
  • Immerse themselves in intensive French language study in the French language track,
  • Students can also choose to take an optional elective course to explore a new topic, go deeper into a subject of interest or combine the study of social sciences and French language,
  • Students in the social sciences track can also develop essential skills for their studies and the workplace with an academic and professional workshop.

Find out more about the course offerings.

Students joining the Summer School in person will also be able to enjoy the city of lights and practice their French language skills through social activities and visits of Parisian landmarks

Pre-college programmes for High-School students

Programme Dates

  • On-Campus session: 6 July-23 July, 2023

Online Programme:

  • World Climate Negotiations Bootcamp: 17 June-27 June, 2024,
  • Artificial Intelligence and the Future of New Technologies Bootcamp: 17 June-27 June, 2024,

The Pre-College Programmes give high school students an experience of university academics through intensive coursework in the social sciences, which introduces them to the key disciplines and methodologies of a Sciences Po education. This summer, students can choose to attend the on-campus programme or participate from anywhere in the world through the online programme.

Online Programme: Two Negotiation Bootcamps

The Summer School is offering high school students the opportunity to participate in online courses focused on developing their negotiation skills, as well as introducing them to contemporary global issues.

These bootcamps allow students to learn about international relations theories through role-playing exercises that include interactive rounds of negotiation simulations. They will be able to gain an understanding of some of today’s most pressing issues with other keen students across continents and time zones. 

Find out more about the Online Programme.

On-Campus Programme in Paris and Reims

During two-and-a-half weeks in July, students in the on-campus programme will undertake rigorous coursework in the social sciences, which introduces them to the key disciplines and methodologies of a Sciences Po education.

Master classes, taught entirely in English by Sciences Po professors, introduce students to Sciences Po’s core subjects through the study of current international issues such as human security, global inequalities, challenges of the European Union, as well as nuclear challenges.

Elective classes allow students to delve into one core discipline, such as international relations, political science or sociology. 

Students will also enjoy French culture through a social and cultural programme in Reims and Paris.

(credits: Amy Wong / My Paris Portraits)

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