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Student services & daily life
How do I obtain my student card? What will my schedule look like? Who can I talk to about my disability? Who can help me find a studio? Sciences Po helps students with these and other issues.
Registration and Choice of Courses
You have been accepted to Sciences Po? Congratulations! To register, click on the new students' guidebook.
Accommodation and Getting Settled
Are you in search of accommodation close to one of our campuses? Here you will find practical advice as well as rental listings (access reserved for students). For all other questions about daily life at Sciences Po, visit the Students website.
Healthy Studies
The Sciences Po Health Centre is open to students in need of advice, support, rest or standard treatments and prescriptions.
Student welfare & support
Sciences Po’s Student Welfare and Support Office offers:
- Information on the social security system and the healthcare system
- Help with applying for housing benefits with the French governmental agency CAF
- One-off emergency financial assistance under specific conditions
- Help finding a student job
- Help and information on your administrative formalities
Disability & Accessibility
If you have a temporary or permanent disability or disabling health condition, Sciences Po will ensure that you receive the necessary support and adjustments to complete your chosen programme and immerse yourself in student life. Upon admission, the disability centre assists students throughout their studies at Sciences Po.
In 2023-24, over 700 students with a disability studied at Sciences Po.
For more information, consult our Guide for Students with Disabilities (pdf, 2,1 Mo).
Combating Sexual and Gender-based Violence
Sciences Po is committed to a culture of respect, courtesy, and equality. Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) has a profoundly detrimental impact on the lives of survivors and will not be tolerated at this institution. With priority given to listening to and supporting victims, Sciences Po has put in place a comprehensive policy ranging from prevention and reporting to punishment of the perpetrators of sexual and gender-based violence.
Fighting Racism, Anti-semitism, and Any Form of Discrimination
Sciences Po has developed a range of resources and tools to ensure a respectful, caring, and welcoming environment in which to study and work. Our Anti-Discrimination policy works to promote equal treatment and to support anyone who feels they have been the victim of a discriminatory comment, behaviour or act, in accordance with Sciences Po’s Regulations on Student Life and the legal framework currently in force.
Welcome to Sciences Po

You have been accepted... What next? The Students website answers all your questions regarding your first steps at Sciences Po and your daily life in France.

From the entrance exam to professional integration, this Guide for students with disabilities (pdf, 2.1MB) accompanies you throughout your studies at Sciences Po.