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Alliances and Partnerships: prestigious dual degrees
Dual degree programmes play a vital role in expanding Sciences Po’s reach internationally. Students gain experience of two different, but equally demanding, education systems, and can take advantage of two world-class and highly complementary programmes at both partner institutions. At the end of their studies, they graduate with a degree from Sciences Po and from the partner institution, affording them access to a huge range of careers in sectors all around the world.
Sciences Po has developed dual degree programmes at Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD level with around 30 partner universities, including Columbia University, the University of California Berkeley, the London School of Economics and Peking University.
Dual Bachelor's degrees

Sciences Po now has ten dual Bachelor's degree programmes with prestigious universities around the world. These programmes offer students a unique international experience, combining the strengths and academic specialisms of each institution.
Dual Master’s degrees

Sciences Po partners with several world-leading universities to offer around 30 dual Master's degrees. Graduating with an interdisciplinary perspective, dual expertise, proficiency in at least two languages and multicultural experience, students of these dual programmes are highly prized by recruiters in a wide variety of sectors. They spend their first year of the Master’s at Sciences Po and their second at the partner university.
Joint PhD programmes
Sciences Po offers three joint PhD programmes, with the Max Planck Institute in Cologne, Columbia University in New York and Northwestern University in Chicago.
Key figures
international students
nationalities represented
partner universities
dual degree programmes
multicultural campuses
foreign languages taught
Exchange program
Students from partner universities can study at one of Sciences Po's seven campuses as part of an exchange programme. They are fully integrated into the student body. Learn more about exchange programmes at Sciences Po