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A university open to all
Since its founding, Sciences Po has been committed to championing its social responsibility as a university. That is why we have established innovative measures to ensure that all of our students succeed, regardless of their socio-economic background, gender or disability.
Geographic and Social Diversity
Because financial difficulties should not prevent anyone from studying at Sciences Po, the university offers scholarships, tuition fee exemptions and financial aid schemes. In 2022, we assisted 2,428 students through our pioneering initiative, the Equal Opportunity Programme (CEP). Our aim for the programme? To increase the number of participating high schools to 200, to bring the proportion of CEP students up to 15% of all undergraduates and to expand the reach of the initiative even further around France.
Students with disabilities
Because disabilities should never come in the way of completing one’s studies, Sciences Po takes a proactive approach to accessibility and provides disability support to all its communities. We offer tailor-made solutions to the 600 disabled students currently studying across our campuses.
Gender Equality
Because a culture of equality is one of the hallmarks of the inclusive university that is Sciences Po, we have drawn up a specific action plan on gender equality.
Combating sexual and gender-based violence
Because sexual and gender-based violence has no place at Sciences Po, the institution has implemented a comprehensive policy ranging from preventive measures to sanctioning perpetrators. Our system prioritises listening to and supporting survivors.
Anti-discrimination and secularism
Because discrimination of any kind constitutes a violation of human rights. That is why Sciences Po has a zero-tolerance policy on discrimination, which promotes individual and collective wellbeing, inclusion and equality.
Because humanitarianism, solidarity and the defence of academic freedom are among the core values of Sciences Po, the university takes action when the situation demands it by means of welcome programmes and emergency measures.
Key Figures
11,5 million
euros pledged each year in scholarships and financial aid
euros pledged each year in scholarships and financial aid
recipients of the Emile Boutmy scholarship over the past 10 years
different high schools send their students to Sciences Po
disabled students
migrants received in the Welcome Refugees programme