Les Etudes du CERI n°252-253 (janvier 2021) - Olivier Dabène (ed.)


Les Etudes du CERI, n°252-253, janvier 2021.

Amérique latine - L’Année politique is a publication by CERI-Sciences Po’s Political Observatory of Latin America and the Caribbean (OPALC). The study extends the work presented on the Observatory’s website by offering tools for understanding a continent that is in the grip of deep transformations.

Autour de la publication

8 March 2021
Introducing the Protestas webseries. Comparing Social Movements Across Latin America
Olivier Dabène

Entretiens du CERI
18 January 2021
Amérique latine. L’année politique 2020
Entretien avec Olivier Dabène, par Corinne Deloy

Latin America, One Year On
Interview with Olivier Dabène, by Corinne Deloy

Latin America
Selection of online resources (articles, interviews, podcasts, etc) and books (published since 2010) on Latin America.

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