Disasterland. An Ethnography of the International Disaster Community - Sandrine Revet


Cham, Palgrave Macmillan (The Sciences Po Series in International Relations and Political Economy), 2020, 236 p.
Translated by Cynthia Schoch and Katharine Throssell

This book analyses the making of the international world of ‘natural’ disasters by its professionals. Through a long-term ethnographic study of this arena, the author unveils the various elements that are necessary for the construction of an international world: a collective narrative, a shared language, and standardized practices. The book analyses the two main framings that these professionals use to situate themselves with regards to a disaster: preparedness and resilience, arguing that the making of the world of ‘natural’ disasters reveals how heterogeneous, conflicting, and sometimes competing elements are put together.

Translation of Les coulisses du monde des catastrophes « naturelles », published by Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme (Le (bien) commun) in Septembre 2018.

Autour de la publication

30 January 2022
Catastrophes “naturelles” ?
Entretien avec Sandrine Revet, par Louise Baumann et Loïc Le Dé, L'Envers des Catastrophes

Entretiens du CERI
30 April 2020
Behind the Scenes of 'Natural Disasters'
Interview with Sandrine Revet, by Miriam Périer

20 November 2018
Les coulisses du monde des catastrophes « naturelles »
Entretien avec Sandrine Revet, par Miriam Périer

27 February 2019
The researcher's word
Entretien avec Sandrine Revet, Alternatives Humanitaires

26 November 2018
Les coulisses du monde des catastrophes « naturelles » - Sandrine Revet
Entretien avec Sandrine Revet, Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme

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