CORRIREF (The corridors of asylum in France )
The influx of exiles caused by the conflict in Ukraine marks a turning point in the governance of asylum in Europe in several respects. On the one hand, the authorities have implemented the provisions relating to the temporary protection of refugees, giving them rights of access to employment, social assistance and movement within the Schengen zone that asylum seekers from other countries do not enjoy. On the other hand, this influx has received unprecedented support from European populations, feeding into the structuring of new forms of solidarity, particularly at the local level: commitment from mayors and municipalities, mobilisation of citizens, of diaspora organisations, of philanthropic institutions, etc.
This programme explores these developments. It has two components: a follow-up of the social, spatial and professional trajectories of Ukrainian exiles; and an analysis of the transformations of reception infrastructures, with a particular focus on municipal policies, diaspora organisations and philanthropic organisations.
It combines a two-year longitudinal survey of migrants on a European scale, field surveys in Paris, Strasbourg and Nantes, but also in medium-sized cities and rural areas, and a national survey of municipalities and their reception policies.
The programme is supported by the Convergences Migrations Institute, the MITI programme of the CNRS/IHEMI and Sciences Po. It is carried out in collaboration with the Kantar Public agency, the ACCESS In programme of the University of Liège, the Fondation de France, Sant'Egidio and the National Association of Welcoming Cities and Territories.
Friday 7 July 2023
Longitudinal study of the social and spatial trajectory of Ukrainian exilees in Europe : preliminary result of the "Voice of Ukraine" survey
This webinar will be dedicated to the presentation of the method and preliminary result of the four first waves of the Kantar "Voice of Ukraine" longitudinal survey. The researchers will draw an overview of the social and spatial trajectory of Ukrainian exilees in Europe, with a specific focus on financial support, return intention and education.
Speakers : Kartika Hersheid, Paris School of Economics, and Basak Yavcan, Migration Policy Group
Ukrainian, russian and bielorussian exiles in question : trajectories, policies and mobilisations
A joint webinar series CORRIREF/AURA/Diasporas at war/Bielexil
The Ukrainian conflict triggered by the invasion of Russia on 24 February 2022 has radically transformed the map of diasporas from the belligerent countries in that region. Eight million Ukrainian refugees have travelled to all parts of Europe, following in the footsteps of the labour migration that has been building up in Western Europe since the Maïdan revolution in 2014. In doing so, these exiles have contributed not only to the reconfiguration of Europe's reception infrastructure but also to the mutation of diaspora organisations that emerged since the Cold War.
As a less visible but no less important consequence, the war had considerable effects on the volume and structuring of diasporas from Russia and Belarus. Their migration is part of the construction of a new political imaginary of Europe that forces diasporas to politicise their positioning
This series of webinars presents the work of four French research programmes conducted on these different migratory groups. The presentations will address issues as diverse as the trajectories of integration and circulation of these groups in the European space, the evolution of their political positioning and their configuration. They will also deal with the attitude of French political authorities and associations towards these refugees: in what way are they the object of new forms of public policies and mobilisations, at the local, national and transnational levels?
28 avril 2023
Présentation conjointes des programmes CORRIREF (Thomas Lacroix, Sciences Po Paris), AURA (Karine Gatelier, Modop, Université de Grenoble) et Diaspora at war (Agnieszka Fihel, INED)
Agnieszka Fihel, chargée de projet à l'Ined et maîtresse de conférences à l'Université de Varsovie
Karine Gatelier, chercheure associée à PACTE, chargée d'action-recherche à Modus Operandi
Thomas Lacroix, directeur de recherche CNRS, CERI-Sciences Po, Fellow de L’institut Convergence Migrations
5 mai 2023
Présentation AURA : Accueil des réfugié·es ukrainien·nes en Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (AURA) : Ruptures et continuités dans les mobilisations territoriales et la politique
Karine Gatelier, chercheure associée à PACTE, chargée d'action-recherche à Modus Operandi
Lison Leneveler, Docteure en droit public, chargée d'action-recherche à Modus Operandi et chercheuse associée au CRJ
Olga Bronnikova, Maîtresse de conférences, ILCEA4, Université Grenoble Alpes
23 June 2023
Présentation Diaspora at war: The mobilisation of the Belarusian and Ukrainian diasporas in France and Poland: Between mistrust and cooperation
Agnieszka Fihel, Ined, ICMigrations
In collaboration with : Anne-Sophie Bentz, Institute Université Paris Cité / CESSMA and Kseniya Homel, Marta Jaroszewicz, Magdalena Lesińska, University of Warsaw
Although the Ukrainian diaspora in Europe has been actively engaged with pro-democracy and humanitarian movements in the country of origin since the Euromaidan in 2014, the Russian invasion in 2022 triggered a huge rise in national sentiment and a massive mobilisation of all groups of Ukrainian migrants and people of Ukrainian origin. However, the level of engagement and the types of activities of diaspora organisations differ fundamentally depending on the context of the country of origin, as I show using the example of France and Poland. Russia's aggression has also affected relations between the Ukrainian and Belarusian diasporas, the latter mobilising since 2020 in response to the fraudulent presidential election and the reprisals suffered by participants in pro-democracy protests. I will show how Belarusian diaspora organisations, after initial hesitation and even hostility from Ukrainian refugees, managed to establish cooperation with Ukrainian organisations. In the first months of the war, aid activities for Ukrainians and Ukraine completely dominated the involvement of Belarusian organisations. The study is based on 25 in-depth interviews with representatives of Belarusian and Ukrainian organisations conducted in France and Poland between December 2022 and March 2023.
The “Diasporas at War” project is funded by ICMigrations under the Flash Ukraine program.
Project website:
7 juillet 2023
Présentation CORRIREF (titre à confirmer)
Basak Yavcan, postdoctorante, Hugo Observatory, Université de Liège
Kartika Hersheid, étudiante en Master, Ecole d’économie de Paris