François Bafoil
Emeritus Senior researcher, CNRSPhone: +33158717074 -
François Bafoil is a CNRS Senior Research Fellow at Sciences Po Paris.
Before joining the CERI in 2003, he served as expert in charge of ex-ante assessment at the Ministry of Economy in Warsaw (2002-2003) and as a special advisor at the OECD for the Territorial Review Poland, (2008 He has been a consultant for the Asian Development Bank from 2006 till 2015 within Southeast Asia working on a comparative study of regional integration, growth poles and dams issues within the Greater Mekong Subregion.
In addition to his position of co-Director of the Global Energy Transitions and Governance masters since 2017, he conducts a comparative study of the works of Max Weber and Sigmund Freud.
Before joining the CERI in 2003, he served as expert in charge of ex-ante assessment at the Ministry of Economy in Warsaw (2002-2003) and as a special advisor at the OECD for the Territorial Review Poland, (2008 He has been a consultant for the Asian Development Bank from 2006 till 2015 within Southeast Asia working on a comparative study of regional integration, growth poles and dams issues within the Greater Mekong Subregion.
In addition to his position of co-Director of the Global Energy Transitions and Governance masters since 2017, he conducts a comparative study of the works of Max Weber and Sigmund Freud.
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Work in Progress
Central and Eastern Europe: economic and social transformations after 1990, Energy policies in Europe and in South-East Asia, Central and Eastern Europe/Mekong region: regional integration and cross-border cooperation
Research Interests
Comparative political economies, Central and Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, Weber, Freud, Renewable energy in Europe
German, English, Polish

Last Publications
- La femme hallucinée. Construction de la faute sexuelle dans la société française entre 1870 et 1914 (Ouvrage)
- Négation, répétition et destruction en politique. Catégories freudiennes et champ politique (Contribution à un site web)
- Hallucination, Destruction & the Political. Interview with François Bafoil (Contribution à un site web)
- The Politics of Destruction. Three Contemporary Configurations of Hallucination: USSR, Polish PiS Party, Islamic State (Ouvrage)
- Social Sciences and Psychoanalysis. Toward a New Dialogue (Contribution à un site web)
- Sciences sociales et psychanalyse : vers un nouveau dialogue (Contribution à un site web)
- Politiques de la destruction. Trois figures de l'hallucination en politique (Ouvrage)
- La violence faite aux femmes: analyse d’une «névrose sociale» (Contribution à un site web)
- La violence faite aux femmes (Contribution à un site web)
- Structuration des filières de la transition énergétique à l'échelle nationale et territoriale : Union européenne, France, Danemark, Allemagne (Rapport)
Online Publications (CERI website)
- Les coopérations transfrontalières à l’épreuve de l’UE. Une comparaison Europe centrale-Turquie
- La question agricole en Pologne : le défi de l'intégration européenne
- Marché, bureaucratie, formes de la domination politique. Une économie politique weberienne
- La présidence française de l'Union européenne
- Les conflits en mer de Chine méridionale
- Social Sciences and Psychoanalysis. Toward a New Dialogue