Home>U Multirank 2017 confirms Sciences Po’s strong performance for research & international orientation

U Multirank 2017 confirms Sciences Po’s strong performance for research & international orientation
U Multirank* has just released its university rankings for 2017. Sciences Po maintains excellent scores for international orientation and research.
Sciences Po earns the maximum score for student mobility and international academic staff
International experience is central to Sciences Po's educational approach. All students at the Undergraduate College spend their third year abroad. Master’s students have the opportunity to further their international experience during their internship semester or by opting for a gap year.
On all seven of our campuses in France, students are immersed in a multicultural community, with half the student body made up of international students of 150 nationalities. The faculty adds to this international mix with its 23 nationalities; almost a third of Sciences Po’s permanent faculty earned their PhDs abroad.
Many international scientific collaborations
U Multirank 2017 emphasises the international dimension of our research and notes that 44 percent of our publications are the product of collaboration with researchers from partner universities. Joint or dual PhD programmes, which are also frequent, contribute to the international nature of doctoral degrees at Sciences Po.
Respected, influential research
The U Multirank results underscore the influence and quality of research conducted at Sciences Po. Our researchers are widely cited in the scientific literature (highest score for the citation rate of their publications). As a further indication of the quality of our research, U Multirank places Sciences Po in the top category of institutions for our academics’ ability to win prestigious grants (European Research Council, National Research Agency, etc.).
U Multirank 2017 also gives Sciences Po with a very good score for post-doc positions. The number of post-doc researchers at Sciences Po is indeed increasing every year, which reflects the university’s reputation as a stimulating and dynamic research environment for young academics launching their careers.
*U Multirank was launched in 2014 by the European Commission as a means to compare universities based on a number of different criteria, making it an interesting alternative to the most well-known rankings.
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