
Gaspard Estrada is a Research Fellow at CERI and the Executive Director of OPALC. He is the author of articles published in several peer-reviewed journals. He has also co- authored articles with Olivier Dabène, Professor at Sciences Po, David Recondo, Research Fellow at CERI, and Frédéric Louault, Professor of Political Science at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. He teaches political communication at the School of International Affairs (PSIA) of Sciences Po. Gaspard Estrada has lectured at Sciences Po, at the Ecole Normale Supérieure, at the Free University of Brussels, at the Institut of the Hautes Études de d'Amérique Latine - Université Paris III, at the University of Paris VIII, at the University of Paris 1, at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, at the Royal Institute of International Relations of Belgium (Egmont Institute) , at the Institute of Higher Studies of National Defense (IHEDN), at the European External Action Service (EEAS) of the European Commission, at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), at Casa América (Madrid), at the National Assembly, as well as at the Royal Academy of Morocco.

Gaspard Estrada is an Op-Ed contributor for The New York Times. He regularly collaborates with Le MondeProject SyndicateEl PaisLibération. He has been interviewed by CNN, BBC, The Guardian, Deutsche Welle, France Inter, France Culture, Mediapart, among others.

As part of his duties, Gaspard Estrada received many Latin American personalities at Sciences Po, including several Presidents of the Republic, as well as Sebastião Salgado, who donated two monumental pictures to Sciences Po on the tenth anniversary of the Observatory.

He is co-chair of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) high-level working group on inequalities in the Americas, with Jorge Castañeda, former foreign minister of Mexico and professor of political science at New York University, and Carlos Ominami, former Minister of Economy of Chile. It also participates in the Euro-Latin American governance for development network REDGOB (Oxford, Sciences Po, Salamanca, GIGA, University of Zurich, University of Lisbon, LUISS, University of Bergen). He was also a member of the European academic network of CAF - Latin American Development Bank and of the France 24's Spanish network advisory board.

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  • Teaching

    How to conquer, govern, and quit power: methods and practice of political communication (PSIA, Sciences Po)

  • Web

    Twitter: @Gaspard_Estrada

  • Languages

    French, English, Spanish, Portugese

Main Publications

"Relaciones México-Francia: las ambivalencias de marchar mano en la mano", Revista Mexicana de Política Exterior (112): 131-146

With Olivier Dabène, Erica Guevara and Frédéric Louault "L’Amérique latine aux urnes. L’amorce d’un virage à droite ?", Etudes du CERI - Amérique latine - L’année politique 2015 (217-218): 57-71

With Olivier Dabène, Erica Guevara and Frédéric Louault "Sept élections et peu de changements", Etudes du CERI - Amérique latine - L’année politique 2014 (207-208): 54-66

"Un nouveau cycle politique en Amérique latine ?", La Revue Internationale et Stratégique (111) : 37-45 "1997-2017 : vingt ans de gouvernements du PRD à Mexico ", Etudes du CERI - Amérique latine -L’année politique 2017 (233- 234): 53-59

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