Turkey, Russia and Iran in the Middle East. Establishing a New Regional Order - Bayram Balci and Nicolas Monceau (eds)


Bayram Balci and Nicolas Monceau (eds)

Cham, Palgrave Macmillan (The Sciences Po Series in International Relations and Political Economy), 2021, 249 p.

This book explores the complexity of the Syrian question and its effects on the foreign policies of Russia, Iran, and Turkey. The Syrian crisis has had a major effect on the regional order in the Middle East. Syria has become a territory where the rivalry between Russia and Western powers is being played out, and with the West’s gradual withdrawal, the conflict will without a doubt have lasting effects locally and on the international order. This collection focuses on the effects of the Syrian crisis on the new governance of the Middle East region by three political regimes: Russia, Iran, and Turkey. Many articles and a number of books have been written on this conflict, which has lasted over ten years, but no publication has examined simultaneously and comparatively how these three states are participating in the shared management of the Syrian conflict.

Autour de la publication

06 December 2021
La Turquie, l’Iran et la Russie au Moyen Orient : dynamiques internes et externes
Conférence à l'occasion de la parution de l'ouvrage

Entretiens du CERI
15 October 2021
Who will lead the way in the Middle East? Russia, Iran or Turkey?
Interview with Bayram Balci and Nicolas Monceau, by Miriam Périer

Russie, Iran, Turquie, quelle puissance s’imposera au Moyen-Orient ?
Entretien avec Bayram Balci et Nicolas Monceau, par Miriam Périer

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