Previous Observatories

The Observatory of Northeastern Africa
It was a research programme comanaged by CEDEJ Khartoum (MAEDI-CNRS USR 3123) and CERI. Following on from the Observatoire de la Corne de l’Afrique that it had come to replace, the Observatory of Northeastern Africa broadened the scope of study. The Observatory has published eleven notes notes..

The Observatory of European Union's Evolution
Directed at the CERI by Christian Lequesne, the Europe working group CERI/CAPS is a leading place for reflection on the future of the European Union. It regularly invites European and non-European speakers addressing themes relevant to the EU’s future. In this way, within the group, we have thus approached questions as different as Brexit, the future of the euro, Euroscepticism in Central Europe, commercial protectionism, and the politics regarding refugees and the demands of the future.
Each meeting gives rise to discussion bringing together universities, civil servants, and representatives of think tanks. A written report is available for each session on the observatory’s webpage.  

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