Jacques Sémelin
Senior researcher emeritus, CNRSPhone: +33158717032 -
Holds a Ph.D. in contemporary history from the Sorbonne (1986) and a post- graduate degree in psychopathology from the Université Paris 5. Former post-doctoral fellow at Harvard University, Center for International Affairs
(1986-1988). Professor in political science and modern history since
2007. Founder and scientific director, and since January 2011 honorary
President of the international project of Online Encyclopedia of Mass Violence. Member of the editorial boards of the European Review of History, the Journal of Genocide Research and Vingtième siècle. Member of the International Association of Genocide Scholars.
Work in Progress
Study on the socio-political restraints on genocide: France 1940-1944 ; Scientific and activist rhetoric around the notion of genocide ; Apologies in foreign policy: the case of France and comparative perspectives
Research Interests
Genocide, Memory and politics of the past
- Establishment : Sciences Po, title : "Génocides et violences de masse", (level : master) -

Last Publications
- Ohne Waffen gegen Hitler. Eine Studie zum zivilen Widerstand in Europa (Ouvrage)
- La survie des Juifs en France : une approche multifactorielle (Article dans une revue sans comité de lecture)
- The Notion of Social Reactivity: The French Case, 1942–1944 (Chapitre d’ouvrage)
- The Survival of the Jews in France 1940-44 (Direction d'ouvrage)
- Persécution et survie des juifs sous Vichy (Contribution à un site web)
- La survie des juifs en France 1940 - 1944 (Ouvrage)
- Das Überleben von Juden in Frankreich 1940-1944 (Ouvrage)
- اللاعنف (Ouvrage)
- « Génocide » (Chapitre d’ouvrage)
- Génocides (Chapitre d’ouvrage)
Online Publications (CERI website)