Marie Mendras
Researcher, CNRS, Professor at Sciences PoPhone: +33158717045 -
Marie Mendras is a political scientist in the field of Russian studies and international relations. She is a research fellow with the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and Sciences Po’s Centre for International Research (CERI), and a professor at Sciences Po’s Paris School of International Affairs. She has published extensively on Russia-West relations, as well as on the Russian political system, elite behavior, elections and society, in French and in English.
In 2020, Dr. Mendras is studying the aggravated political and social crises in Russia and Belarus, the mismanagement of covid-19, the fabricated “plebiscites” for the sake of lifetime autocrats, with remarkable consequences: civic revolution in Belarus, protest in Russian cities, crackdown on opponents that lead to more western sanctions against ruling elites. The terms of the debate in Europe about common security are changing and including Eastern neighbours (Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia).
In 2019, Dr. Mendras was a visiting scholar at Hong Kong Baptist University, Government and International Studies Department. In 2016-2017, she joined the Kennan Institute, Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars, as expert. In 2015-2016, she was a senior fellow at the Transatlantic Academy in D.C., and an associate scholar at Georgetown University’s Center for German and European Studies. In earlier years, she taught at the London School of Economics and Political Science, Université Paris 1 Sorbonne, and MGIMO in Moscow.
Marie Mendras provides expertise to the European institutions and think tanks, and has served as consultant for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Ministry of Defense. She is specialist of elections and political representation, and has observed key votes in Russia and Ukraine. Dr. Mendras was educated at Essex University in the U.K. Sciences Po and Institut des Langues et Civilisations Orientales in Paris, SAIS-Johns Hopkins Bologna Center, and the Russian Research Center at Harvard University. She holds a doctorate in political science from Sciences Po.
Since the summer of 2020, I have published on Covid-19 in Russia, the issue of elections held under lockdown, fraudulent «plebiscites» in Russia and Belarus, and political revolution in Belarus.
The Belorussian War will Not Take Place
September 2020
France’s Late Awakening:Security and Good Governance in Europe Are Not Putin’s Goal
Zentrum Liberale Moderne 9 September 2020
Transformations of the strategic balance in Europe in the wake of political change in Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia, and in a context of U.S. retrenchment. Analysis of Russian, French, European, and American policies. Study of the political, economic, social and security crisis of the Putin system since 2012, with emphasis on elections, protest, arbitrary and conflict-prone rule.
Russia, Ukraine, Belarus Political regimes, elections and civic protest Russian foreign policy, European and American policies towards Russia and neighboring states.
- Establishment : Sciences Po, title : "Russian foreign policy: the dilemmas of a former empire", (level : master) -
English, Russian, Italian

- Journalistes en Russie (Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture)
- Navalny : la vie devant soi (Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture)
- La défaite arménienne n’est pas une victoire russe (Contribution à un site web)
- The Belorussian war will not take place (Contribution à un site web)
- La guerre de Biélorussie n’aura pas lieu (Contribution à un site web)
- Vote populaire par temps d’épidémie (Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture)
- Russie : un vote fabriqué pour une Constitution naufragée (Contribution à un site web)
- Le coup constitutionnel de Vladimir Poutine (Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture)
- Les électeurs russes défient le Kremlin (Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture)
- Ukraine-Russie, trente ans de divorce (Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture)