Hélène Thiollet is a CNRS permanent researcher. Her research deals with the politics of migration and asylum in the Global South, and she focuses her empirical work on the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa. She also works on crises and political transformations linked to migration and asylum. She teaches international relations, comparative politics and migration studies at Sciences Po and EHESS.
She is a graduate of Ecole normale supérieure (Ulm A/L98), holds a PhD in Political Science from Sciences Po and Master degrees in Geography of development (University of Paris 1 La Sorbonne) and Classics (University of Paris 4 La Sorbonne). In 2002-2003 she was a Visiting Student at the Harvard University Department of Government, with a fellowship from the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. She was a Post Doctoral Fellow at Oxford University in 2009-2010 with the OxPo Research grant. She is a board member of Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales, de Migration Politics et de PARISS (Political Anthropological Research on International Social Sciences) and member of the advisory board of Journal of Refugee Studies.
Hélène is involved in the following projects:
• as PI for “PACE” “The Politics of Asylum Crises in Europe” funded by the French National Agency for Research €352,000 (2019-2023)
• as PI for the CERI Sciences Po team for the “MAGYC” project “Migration Governance and AsYlum Crises” funded by the H2020 (Grant Agreement: 822806) €400,000 (2018-2022).
• as co-PI with Catherine Wihtol de Wenden for MOBGLOB “Global Governance of Mobility” funded by the French National Agency for Research €247,000 (2012-2015)
• as member of the program "Villes-mondes: approches comparées du cosmopolitisme et des migrations" financé par l'USPC "Sociétés plurielles"
• as member of SYSREMO "Géographies de la mondialisation: Emergence d’un système régional au Moyen-Orient" funded by the French National Agency for Research PI: Leila Vignal.
Anatomy of change in an oil-monarchy. Reform, counter-revolution and social transformation in Saudi Arabia (1991-2017)”, paper presented at Oxford 2016, “Mixed Migration. The Multilateral Politics of Labelling Population Movement” paper presented at APSA Annual Meeting 2019 , “An Anatomy of Agency. Eritrean Refugees in Eastern Sudan, 1962-2013”, paper presented at King's college, 7 Feb. 2014. , “Brokering migrants’ agency or alienating aliens? Revisiting the sponsorship system (Kafala) in the light of migration and labour market policy reforms in the Gulf” paper presented at MESA Annual Meeting 2012, Resilient Residents: Migrants’ settlement and anti-immigrant policies in the Gulf monarchies” paper presented at MESA 2013, Sciences Po 2015, à Paris 7 2016 and univ. of Exeter 2018.
Migration - Exile-Asylum - Migration policies - Global Governance of Mobility, Middle East, Horn of Africa - Arab Gulf
2024. Borders Start With Numbers: How Migration Data Create “Fake Illegals”. with Savatic, F., Mesnard, A., Senne, J.-N., & Jaulin, T., International Migration Review, 0(0). DOI: 10.1177/01979183231222169
2024. Migration Politics across the World. edited with Katharina Natte (eds), Routledge, ISBN 9781032601168, 166 p.
2023. Immigration rentier states. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2023.2269783
2023. "Migration as Crisis". with Céline Cantat & Antoine Pécoud, American Behavioral Scientist, 0(0). DOI: 10.1177/00027642231182889
2023. "The Making of a Crisis: Migration and Polarization in the French Press". with Reddy, M., American Behavioral Scientist, 0(0). DOI: 10.1177/00027642231183274
2023. Research Handbook on the Institutions of Global Migration Governance, edited with Antoine Pécoud (eds), Edward Elgar Publishing, ISBN 9781789908060, 450 p.
2023. "Is the forced/voluntary dichotomy really shaping migration governance?". with Ferruccio Pastore and Camille Schmoll in Handbook of Human Mobilities and Migrations, Ettore Recchi and Mirna Safi (eds.) Edward Elgar.
- Establishment : Sciences Po Paris - Institut d'études politiques de Paris, title : African politics and societies , from 2009 to 2010,(level : master),
- Establishment : Sciences Po Paris - Institut d'études politiques de Paris, title : Global Migration Governance , from 2012 to 2017,(level : master),
- Establishment : Sciences Po Paris - Institut d'études politiques de Paris, title : International Actors in Africa : globalization, development, security , from 2012-01 to 2014-05,(level : licence),
- Establishment : Sciences Po Paris - Institut d'études politiques de Paris, title : Migration Issues and Large Metropolises , from 2014 to 2015,(level : master),
- Establishment : Sciences Po Paris - Institut d'études politiques de Paris, title : Mobility in the Global South. Migration and refugee movements in developing countries , from 2010 to 2011,(level : master),
- Establishment : Sciences Po X, title : World Politics , from 2011-09 to 2013-08,(level : licence) -
Web -
English, Arabic, Spanish, French

- Migrants and monarchs: regime survival, state transformation and migration politics in Saudi Arabia (Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture)
- Migration, Urbanity and Cosmopolitanism in a Globalized World (Direction d'ouvrage)
- Cosmopolitanism in Exclusionary Contexts. The Paradoxes of Everyday Diversity in Gulf Cities (Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture)
- Migrations en Méditerranée (Direction d'ouvrage)
- Migration as Diplomacy: Labor Migrants, Refugees, and Arab Regional Politics in the Oil-Rich Countries (Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture)
- Migrants and monarchs: regime survival, state transformation and migration politics in Saudi Arabia (Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture)
- Migration, Urbanity and Cosmopolitanism in a Globalized World (Direction d'ouvrage)
- Migrant Cosmopolitanism in Emirati and Saudi Cities: Practices and Belonging in Exclusionary Contexts (Chapitre d’ouvrage)
- Migration, Urbanity and Cosmopolitanism in a Globalized World: An Introduction (Chapitre d’ouvrage)
- Relire Fariba Adelkhah : sur la route de Téhéran à Damas (Contribution à un site web)
- Migration, salaire et emploi : un aperçu de la recherche (Contribution à un site web)
- Déconfiner les politiques migratoires : lacunes et biais des débats scientifiques (Contribution à un site web)
- Externalization Policies and their Impacts on Migrant and Refugee Flows to Europe during the “Crisis.” A preliminary study (Rapport)
- Cosmopolitanism in Exclusionary Contexts. The Paradoxes of Everyday Diversity in Gulf Cities (Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture)
- Gouverner les frontières comme politique de vie ? (Article dans une revue sans comité de lecture)