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Photo Contest « 3A MEMORIES »
Did you take thousands of photos during your 3A? Sciences Po is launching its 3rd year abroad photo contest, a great opportunity to choose your favorite and share it with the world!

To celebrate this year of study abroad, which is an integral part of Sciences Po's DNA, we invite you to send us the best photograph illustrating your international experience at one of our 480 partner universities. Several prizes will be awarded, with the first 3 worth €500, €200 and €100. A Public’s Prize will also be awarded, based on the results of an online vote by the Sciences Po student community.
To be in with a chance of winning one of these prizes, all you have to do is select your photo and send it in by October 30, along with the following information :
- Your last name, first name, Sciences Po campus, e-mail address
- The title of your photograph
- The location and date that the photo was taken
- Name of the university where you completed your 3A
- A document attesting to your ownership of the photo
- A description of no more than 100 words (in English or French).
The photo must illustrate a highlight of your international experience, without necessarily featuring your host university.
This competition is open to all Sciences Po students who completed their undergraduate exchange abroad during the 2023/24 academic year. Each student may submit a single photograph taken during his/her 3A.
And don't hesitate to spread the word around you, and encourage former classmates to take part!
1st prize: John-Michael ALBERTO for his photo "Some people's rights, others' fights", taken in Montreal, Canada

2nd prize : Evan MILLIET for his photo “Closed”, taken in Camden, London, United Kingdom

3rd prize : Téo MANISIER for his photo “Hong Kong's last candles” taken in Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Public's Prize: Thoula ABITBOL for her photo "The Heliopolis bride and groom" taken in Baalbek, Lebanon

Eligibility: All Sciences Po students who completed their undergraduate exchange abroad during the 2023/24 academic year. Each student may submit a single photograph taken during his/her 3A.
How to apply: No later than October 30, 2024, send the photograph of your choice, at least 300 px in JPEG format, to the following address 3a.sciencespo@sciencespo.fr.
The photograph must be accompanied by the following additional information:
- Your last name, first name, Sciences Po campus, e-mail address
- The title of your photograph
- The location and date that the photo was taken
- Name of the university where you completed your 3A
- A description of no more than 100 words
- A document attesting to your ownership of the photo
Contributions can be written in either French or English.
Selection criteria: Photographs will be evaluated on the basis of quality, artistic creation and relevance to the competition's "3A Memories" theme, which focuses on international university exchanges. Your photo should illustrate a highlight of your international experience, without necessarily featuring your host university.
Prizes: The jury will award prizes worth €500 to the winner and €200 and €100, respectively, to the second and third prize-winners. The winner of the Public’s Prize will receive a copy of the book Le roman vrai, published to mark the 150th anniversary of Sciences Po.
For full competition rules, click here.