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Teaching Refugees French on Campus
Interagir is a student association at the Sciences Po Campus of Reims which aims to help local organisations that are already taking care of refugees. For the past semester, the association organised weekly sessions on campus where students could help refugees in Reims with French language acquisition and acclimation to French culture. American student Alexa Boncimino, who is pursuing the Dual Bachelor's Degree with Columbia University, shares her experience with the Interagir community below.
Teaching French Through Music & Games
“One Saturday I was studying on campus when I heard Arabic rap echoing through the hallway. Intrigued, and admittedly in need of a study break, I went to investigate. That was one of the best decisions I made last semester. Following the music, I stumbled upon Interagir.
That Saturday became my first Saturday language workshop: an event which I came to look forward to each week. The workshops teach French through music and games. Some of my favorites have included acting workshops featuring emotion vocabulary, filmmaking, and blind taste tests to learn the words for local French foods.”
The Human Aspect of the Refugee Crisis
“Interagir does an incredible amount with language assistance, but the association also sends an important message: one about coming together. Interagir is about sharing experiences and bridging gaps in understanding. Through it, I have met the most inspiring, resilient, and incredible people.
I have also made amazing memories including the end of year open microphone event in which all of the refugees and students gathered to celebrate a year’s worth of French tutoring through music, dance, and food. In this way, Interagir also highlights the human aspect of today’s humanitarian crisis. The association reminds us that refugees are more than statistics, that they are real people with inspiring stories, passions, and goals.
Language barriers present a challenge, as communication can at times be difficult or strained. However, despite this challenge Interagir has created one of the closest and most open-hearted communities that I have ever been a part of. I am proud to learn from every member and to share in the laughs, the games, and the experience.”
An Opportunity to Learn from One Another
“With Interagir, I have gained more than the opportunity to aid with language acquisition. I have been given the unique chance to learn from the some of the most incredible and resilient people. The refugees which Interagir assists have inconceivable stories. Despite everything, they are overwhelmingly optimistic, joyful, and so easily made happy. Laughing with them and bonding over everyday events is like nothing else. From them, I have also learned music, pieces of culture which I was previously unfamiliar with, and what true strength is.
Interagir has put my problems into perspective and taught me what is truly important in life: the people you surround yourself with. I am thankful to have surrounded myself with the Interagir community and I hope to continue fostering connections and growing closer with everyone involved.”
Text by Alexa Boncimino, Dual BA student at the Sciences Po Campus of Reims
Related Links
- Watch the video on the Welcome Refugees programme, an initiative through which Sciences Po offers French language & cultural courses to refugees
- Read the interview with the Sciences Po student who launched the Welcome Refugees programme
- “After completing this programme, I would like to be a part of Sciences Po”: Watch the video with the second cohort of students in the Welcome Refugees programme