Home>Sound on! Discover the new Sciences Po podcasts

Sound on! Discover the new Sciences Po podcasts
The need to accelerate the environmental transition is clear to all. Sciences Po is dedicating its new podcasts to this imperative, which is at the heart of our strategy: the first one is based on students' experiences and their desire to take action, the second provides an insight into the most advanced work of our researchers on the many dimensions of this major challenge.
Sans Transition: our students discuss ecological transformation
How do you grow up, find your place and look to the future when the planet is burning? This is the question addressed by Sciences Po's first podcast, Sans Transition, the pilot of which comes out today.
At the mic: Rose, Jihan, Rémi and Guilhem, four first-year students from all over France and Europe. In 2023, they were among the first to benefit from a compulsory one-week course dedicated to "Ecological Culture”. This course aimed at giving them a better understanding of environmental transformations, one of the major issues Sciences Po wants to prepare its students for.
Produced by Louie Média, the four-episode podcast follows the students in their classrooms, during lectures or after screenings, and lets us hear their doubts, their questioning, their intuitions. At the heart of their concerns: how can we make a difference? “Everything actually starts from a change within us. It's awareness and personal reflection that culminate in collective action", says Jihan, 1st year student. Enabling students to move from thought to action, and thus position themselves as actors in the world, is the whole philosophy of Sciences Po.
"A course is a place of collective intelligence, and it is through collective intelligence that we regain hope," explains Professor Éloi Laurent, an economist of OFCE (Sciences Po’s French Economic Observatory), for Sans Transition. By combining theoretical knowledge, cultural representations and collective commitment, the students, accompanied by Sciences Po researchers such as Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier of the Centre for the Sociology of Organisations, sketch out another world, one in which they can become committed players.
Conversations with Sergei Guriev: researchers' take on major contemporary issues
Environmental transformation is also the common thread running through the first season of the podcast Conversations with Sergei Guriev, in which Sciences Po Provost and world-renowned economist Sergei Guriev engages in dialogue with researchers from our various centres, for a multidisciplinary approach to major contemporary issues.
Over the course of this season's 8 episodes, environmental transformation will be addressed through citizen mobilisation, public policy, international negotiations and the historical roots of society's relationship with the environment.... The pilot, released on Monday 19 June, is a conversation with Charlotte Halpern, a researcher at Sciences Po's Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics, in which the decisive role of cities in building a sober, low-carbon world is addressed.
This podcast enables Sciences Po to fulfill one of its major missions: to share and highlight the findings of our researchers and shed unique light on the challenges facing the world today. Following on from environmental transformation, future seasons of Conversations with Sergei Guriev will cover topics as varied as digital transformation, threats to our democracies, inequality and globalisation.
Podcasts as a medium for experience and knowledge
With its podcasts, Sciences Po offers everyone easy access to its world of research, ideas and debates. According to numerous studies, podcasts are the media of change, consumed over the long term by loyal listeners. It is an opportunity for Sciences Po to participate in public debate in a peaceful and qualitative way.
The third podcast that Sciences Po is launching this week, the grandes conférences, is also part of this dynamic, as it gives a chance to hear the great voices that speak and have spoken at Sciences Po during the hundreds of events (conferences, inaugural lessons, lectures...) organised each year. In the near future, you will be able to listen to Beate Klarsfeld, Delphine Horvilleur, Mohamed Mbougar Sarr, Philippe Descola and Laurent Fabius.
We invite you to fasten your headphones and enter our world of sound, where thought comes to life and ideas shape the future.
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