Home>SAFEDUC: A Research Project to Map Gender-Based and Sexual Violence

SAFEDUC: A Research Project to Map Gender-Based and Sexual Violence
SAFEDUC is a quantitative research project led by Sciences Po's Gender Studies Programme (PRESAGE) and Université Paris Cité, which aims to quantify Gender-based and sexual violence (GBSV) within the student population and to produce knowledge on the extent and diversity of these phenomena. A reproducible survey protocol has been drawn up, designed to provide a better understanding of the contexts (university life, community life, private life, etc.) in which the various forms of gender-based and sexual violence emerge.
From 25 March to 13 May, all students at the two institutions, regardless of their gender or level of study, are invited to complete an anonymous online questionnaire. The results, which will be published by the end of 2024, will be used to update existing research and provide practical information to help tackle this type of violence more effectively.
Watch this video to find out why it's important for as many Sciences Po and Université Paris Cité students as possible to take part in this survey!
SAFEDUC is carried out within the framework of the strategic partnership between Université Paris Cité and Sciences Po, and based on a grant awarded under the Initiative of Excellence Université Paris 2019 (IdEx UP19). Virginie Bonnot (Gender Studies Center, LPS-UPCité) and Hélène Périvier (PRESAGE-Sciences Po) co-direct this project and coordinate it with Victor Coutolleau (PRESAGE-Sciences Po), Marta Domínguez Folgueras (CRIS-Sciences Po), Joëlle Kivits (ECEVE-UPCité), Clara Le Gallic-Ach (PRESAGE-Sciences Po), and Violette Toye (PRESAGE-Sciences Po).
Do you still have questions about the SAFEDUC questionnaire? Find out below the FAQ for the project and an interview with Victor Coutolleau and Clara Le Gallic-Ach, two of the researchers who developed it, published on PRESAGE's website.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Who is invited to contribute?
All students of Sciences Po and Université Paris Cité, from the first year to the fifth year, as well as PhD students! Students undertaking internships, apprenticeships, or in an university exchange programme are also invited to participate.
While the survey primarily focuses on interpersonal violence experienced since the beginning of higher education, it also addresses study conditions. Even if you do not feel directly affected by these forms of violence, we invite you to respond: the participation of everyone is essential to ensure the quality and representativeness of the results.
How long does it take to respond?
The average response time is estimated at 20 minutes. You can start responding, pause, and then resume at any time between 25 March and 13 May 2024.
Are my survey responses anonymous?
Yes, responses to the questionnaire are anonymous. To ensure that only students from Université Paris Cité and Sciences Po respond to the questionnaire, we ask them to provide a student ID number and date of birth. This data will be automatically deleted to guarantee the anonymity of the responses.
How was the questionnaire designed?
For several months, a research team developed the questionnaire for this prevalence survey with the advice of a Scientific Committee (PDF, 350 KB), consisting of 20 researchers from various disciplines (sociology, economics, psychology, law, etc.), and based on the latest social science research to date.
The questionnaire was tested by a sample of students before being distributed to the entire student community.
After completing the questionnaire, I now feel the need to talk to someone about violence I have experienced. What should I do?
The information collected in the SAFEDUC questionnaire is anonymous. It is possible that the questionnaire may evoke painful memories or difficult emotions. If you wish to reach out to a dedicated listening and support service, please note that resources and structures are available to inform or assist you. These are detailed in a document: Resources for assistance and support in the face of gender-based and sexual violence (PDF, 360 KB).
Your university has dedicated services for gender-based and sexual violence:
The national French hotline for listening and guidance for victims of violence is 3919. In addition to French, support is available in 12 different languages: English, Arabic, Creole, Dari, Spanish, Hebrew, Kabyle, Mandarin, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, and Turkish. More information.
I can't find the questionnaire.
First, check your student email inbox and spam folder: on 25 March at 9:00 am, you received an email inviting you to respond to the SAFEDUC questionnaire. Also, posters are displayed at various sites and campuses of both institutions, with a QR code linking to the survey.
If you encounter difficulties, send a message to our technical support: contact.safeduc@sciencespo.fr.