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New members of the Sciences Po faculty
Since September 2017, nine internationally recognised academics have joined Sciences Po’s permanent faculty. They will enrich our research and teaching in history, economics, law, political science and sociology with specialisations including the Middle East, financial markets, international law, democracy, gender studies and social networks.
In law
- Professor Jean d’Aspremont (fr) has joined the Law School. Before coming to Sciences Po he held the chair in public international law at the University of Manchester, where he founded the Manchester International Law Centre. Professor d’Aspremont previously taught at the University of Amsterdam and has acted as counsel in proceedings before the International Court of Justice. He received his PhD in law from the University of Louvain. His theoretical and empirical research focuses on the analysis of public international law, especially in relation to international organisations, international law, state responsibility, the foundations of law, and methodology.
In economics
- Professor Ghazala Azmat has come to Sciences Po’s Department of Economics and the Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Public Policies (LIEPP) from Queen Mary University of London. She previously taught at Pompeu Fabra University and received her PhD from the London School of Economics. Professor Azmat is an expert in applied and empirical microeconomics. She is a research associate of the Centre for Economic Performance (LSE) and the prestigious CEPR. Her research interests included competition, economic incentives, organisational structures, labour economics, education and public economics.
In history
- Historian and political scientist Stéphanie Latte Abdallah (fr) has joined Sciences Po’s Centre for International Research (CERI). Dr. Latte Abdallah is a CNRS research fellow and Arabist. She previously worked at the Institut français du Proche-Orient, where she focused on the Palestinian Territories. She first specialized in the social history of Palestinian refugees, especially women in refugee camps, then more broadly on gender and feminism in Arab societies, including Islamic feminism. More recently she has explored the issue of borders in Israeli-Palestinian areas, the imprisonment of Palestinians in Israel, and civil society mobilisations.
In computer science
- Jean-Philippe Cointet has joined the Medialab as Associate Professor. Dr. Cointet started his career at INRA, where he developed textual analysis methods for the social sciences. He is also an adjunct research scholar at Columbia University’s INCITE. He completed his PhD at the Institut des Systèmes Complexes and trained as an engineer at École Polytechnique and École Nationale des Eaux et Forêts. His research questions lead him to explore various empirical fields, including the press, scientific communities, social networks, online comments and political discourse.
In political science
- CNRS research fellow Anne-Laure Beaussier (fr) has joined Sciences Po’s Centre for the Sociology of Organizations (CSO). She was previously a research associate at King's College London and earned her PhD at the University of Montpellier. Dr. Beaussier uses an international comparative approach and qualitative methodologies to study the regulation of risk in Europe and health policy in the United States and in Europe. She focuses on health insurance in the United States and access to care and the regulation of medical care quality in Europe.
- CNRS senior researcher Eberhard Kienle (fr) comes to Sciences Po’s Centre for International Research (CERI) from the Institut français du Proche-Orient (IFPO), of which he was director. He previously taught at the universities of Oxford (St.Antony’s College) and London (School of Oriental and African Studies, SOAS) and has worked in Cairo and Beirut. He specialises in the international relations, political sociology and political economy of the contemporary Middle East. His research on the transformation of Middle Eastern political regimes and states and on the upheavals following the Arab Spring has been influential. He has commented on Middle Eastern affairs for numerous media and lectured widely in Europe, the Middle East, South Asia and North America.
- Professor Annabelle Lever has joined CEVIPOF after holding a variety of academic positions at the University of Rochester, Harvard University, MIT, the London School of Economics and the University of Geneva, among others. Professor Lever is a political scientist and historian whose research lies at the intersection of contemporary political philosophy and ethics. Her research focuses on public policy and issues related to privacy, gender equality, democracy and security, and how they interact. She also has a particular research interest in the ethics of voting.
- Political science professor Laura Morales has joined Sciences Po’s Centre d’Etudes Européennes. She previously held positions at the University of Leicester, the University of Manchester, the University of Murcia, the Complutense University of Madrid and the Autonomous University of Madrid. Dr. Morales’ research focuses on comparative political behavior, public opinion, political parties, the politics of immigration, and comparative politics. As part of a project funded by the European Research Council (ERC) she is currently researching how democratic governments respond to public opinion and mobilisation.
- Matthias Thiemann has joined Sciences Po’s Centre for European Studies as Assistant Professor. He previously taught at Goethe University in Frankfurt and holds a PhD in Sociology from Columbia University, New York. His research focuses on regulation of the banking system and of financial markets, particularly the interactions between regulation, regulators and the regulated. His other major research interest is systemic risks, such as those behind the 2008 subprime crisis.
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