Home>How Master in Advanced Global Studies students make the most of their professor

How Master in Advanced Global Studies students make the most of their professor
"It's interesting and stimulating for me, I hope it is for them too!" Lakhdar Brahimi, diplomat, former UN special envoy and iconic figure of international relations, is also a professor at the Sciences Po Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA). This year, the eminent professor agreed to take part in a slightly unusual exercise: to reverse the preparation for his Master in Advanced Global Studies course, letting the students structure it for him. They studied his career and his missions and submitted their questions to Mr. Brahimi before the course began. He then tailored his classes to suit their interests—an approach that boosts interactivity and intensifies the learning experience.
Related links
- Lakhdar Brahimi is also chair of PSIA's strategic committee and member of The Elders. For more about Mr. Brahimi, read the article by Laura Wocjik
- Find out more about the Master in Advanced Global Students, a one-year programme for young professional