Home>Education: the international factory of elites

Education: the international factory of elites
A pioneer in the promotion of equal opportunities, Sciences Po is also a leading research institution on this issue. The sociology of educational inequalities is one of the major focuses of the Observatoire Sociologique du Changement, largely thanks to the work of Agnès Van Zanten on educational policies and the mechanisms that produce segregation. Agnès Van Zanten (Fr), a sociologist and CNRS Senior Fellow, co-directed the 2015 edition of the World Yearbook of Education (Routledge), this year dedicated to the educational strategies at work in the instruction of the elite. Her publication studies this issue on an international scale.
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Elites, Privilege and Excellence - The National and Global Redefinition of Educational Advantage (Agnès Van Zanten, Stephen J.Ball, Brigitte Darchy-Koechlin) - Routledge, Wolrd Yearbook of Education 2015 Series, février 2015 (eng)