Home>The Commissions on Gender-Based Violence and on Ethics publish their conclusions

The Commissions on Gender-Based Violence and on Ethics publish their conclusions
The two commissions dedicated to the fight against gender-based and sexual violence and to fostering ethics within Sciences Po submitted the conclusions of their work to the Acting President Bénédicte Durand on Tuesday, 4 May 2021.
> Read the recommendations of the commission on gender-based and sexual violence
> Read the recommendations of the commission on ethics and deontology
Since the establishment of these two commissions on 17 February 2021, the chairpersons, Danièle Hervieu Léger and Catherine de Salins, as well as the various members, have worked independently with remarkable commitment to learn the lessons of the crisis experienced by Sciences Po in recent months.
In their respective reports, the commissions have drawn up a detailed analysis of the ethical mechanisms and the structures to tackle gender-based and sexual violence within the institution, and formulate concrete and ambitious recommendations in order to strengthen these mechanisms.
Bénédicte Durand expressed her gratitude to the member of the commissions and announced a provisional timetable for the implementation of these recommendations:
“The quality of the proposals I have received allows me to affirm the commitment I made before you to present an implementation plan as soon as possible. We will propose an approach and a timetable for implementation before the end of the current academic year. From the beginning of the next academic year, we wish to reinforce our mechanism for listening to and supporting victims, and to overhaul the disciplinary procedure.”
Bénédicte Durand also expressed her willingness to engage in a similar reflection on the fight against racism, anti-Semitism, and all forms of discrimination in the institution. “Just as a stop must be put to gender-based and sexual violence, hatred of the Other, for whatever reason, must be prevented, combated, and sanctioned relentlessly at Sciences Po”.
- The full report of the commission on gender-based and sexual violence (fr)
- The full report of the working group on ethics (fr)
- Press releases: Gender-based and sexual violence (fr) and ethics (fr)
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