Home>Sciences Po Presidency : The appointment process is open

Sciences Po Presidency : The appointment process is open
The procedure for appointing the new President of Sciences Po will begin on Wednesday 9 June with a public call for candidates in the Journal Officiel and on the institution's website.
The position, which covers both the mandate of Administrator of the Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques (FNSP) and the Presidency of the Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris (IEP or Sciences Po), will be held for a five-year term, renewable twice. Applications are open until 31 August.
The appointment procedure is led by a proposal committee established by the FNSP Board of Directors and the IEP’s Board of Directors. Co-chaired by Laurence Bertrand Dorléac (Chairperson of the FNSP) and Jeanne Lazarus (President of the IEP's Board of Directors) and composed of twelve members, the proposal committee’s role will be to receive, assess and pre-select the applications received.
The list of shortlisted candidates will be made public on 20 October
At the end of the 31 August deadline, the committee will make a preliminary selection, and will present this to the FNSP's Board of Directors and the IEP's Board of Directors at the end of October 2021. The list of shortlisted candidates will then be made public.
The committee will pay particular attention not only to the experience of the candidates and their ability to develop a strategic vision with a sense of innovation, but also to their respect for high ethical and deontological standards. To this end, it will be assisted in the selection of candidates by the management consultant firm Russell-Reynolds Associates.
Final choice to be communicated to the appointing authorities on 10 November
After interviewing the candidates, the FNSP and the IEP’s Boards of Directors will each vote to choose one candidate. In the event of a concordant vote by the two Boards, their choice will be communicated to the appointing authorities, namely the President of the Republic and the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.
In order to allow everyone to express their vision for the institution’s future direction, contributions from all individuals and from the Sciences Po community will be able to be submitted on the Sciences Po website throughout the month of June.
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